Huh, vihdoinkin Cairo 1.2.0 julkaistu.
[cairo-announce] cairo release 1.2.0 now available"We are very pleased to announce this release, the first major update
to cairo since the original 1.0 release 10 months ago. Compared to
cairo 1.0, the 1.2 release doubles the number of supported backends,
adding PDF, PostScript, and SVG backends to the previous xlib, win32
and image backends."
Nyt joutuu odottelemaan vielä uudempia julkaisuja, jotta saisi version mikä ei tahmaisi.
"Now that 1.2.0 is done, the major focus of the cairo project over the
next few months will be on performance and optimization. We are very
interested in benchmarks demonstrating cairo call sequences that are
of interest to users. Please send your benchmarks to the cairo mailing
list for inclusion in an upcoming automated performance regression
testing environment. Ideally benchmarks should run for a (fairly
short), fixed amount of time, terminate, and print a single number."
Vahva usko siihen, että GNOME on vielä joku päivä todella vauhdikas kaikin puolin vähän
hitaammillakin koneilla.