Monologiksi näyttää menevän, mutta yritetään nöyrästi vielä.
Uskoakseni olen tehnyt ohjeessa kerrotut asiat tähän asti. Ainakin pitäisi olla kaikki git-coret, git sanet, libusb-devit sun muut, koska kun yritän niitä asentaa, terminaali kertoo, että minulla on jo ne.
Eli tämä kohta (ainakin) on epäselvä:
Build SANE
Enter the directory sane-backends created after downloading GIT SANE.
The procedure is then “almost” classical, with a few points to take into account instead of running a trivial ./configure, make, make install.
According to your Linux distribution, you need to run the ./configure command with a set of parameters.
As it is not possible to cover here all existing distributions, details are given for Ubuntu and Mandriva, as samples.
For these 2 distributions:
* Check first that the development libusb library is present and installed.
On Mandriva, the rpm is called something like:
on Ubuntu, it is called: libusb-dev.
Install the package, if not already installed.
Be warned that if not installed, compilation will success, but the backend will not work, and no error message will be prompted!
* Then, recreate the configure file and the headers files:
$ autoconf
$ autoheader
This will recreate the configure file and all headers.
* On both distributions, run the ./configure command like this:
$ ./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc --localstatedir=/var
This will choose /usr/lib/sane as SANE lib directory, /etc/sane.d as SANE config files dir, and /var/lock/sane as state directory: The ones that are used by Mandriva and Ubuntu.
Check in the logs coming in the terminal window, at the end of the configure, that it will compile with usb support.
* Then compile as usual
$ make
This will take ... a significative amount of time ... Can have a cup of coffee.
* Install on Ubuntu
$ sudo make install
* Or install on Mandriva
$ su
# make install