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Aprillipäivänä 1.4 netti on aina pullollaan aprillipiloja joten ajattelin, että tähän voitaisiin kerätä kaikki mitä netistä löydetään tänään.Ensimmäinen taitaa löytyä tästä: MBnet net.nyt: KDE ja Gnome lyövät hynttyyt yhteen
Bill Gates McFaddenWired News10:07 AM Apr, 01, 2005 ESTMicrosoft's next-generation operating system, known to most as "Vista," will ditch its stunning full-color graphics in favor of an older, console-type interface, Microsoft announced on Thursday.At least one industry analyst thinks the choice may be the first big crack in their competition with Apple/Macintosh that has permeated the computer industry for decades. For many years, the speculation has been that Microsoft would leave "MS-DOS" behind completely, and they had all but removed the last of "DOS" behind with XP. But with the advent of competing third-party products like "Dosbox" and "Qemu" that can be downloaded without cost, Microsoft has plans to compete. In a cryptic press release issued on Thursday, Microsoft's mentioned new plans for Vista, codenamed "Boondocks" to use a 16 color text screen (based largely on their system error screen, known to many as the "Blue screen of death") as the main shell for the new os, which is expected to debut in early 2007."Microsoft has licensed leading-edge console technology from IBM for use in future os products and services to be announced at a later date," the statement said. "They looked at a number of possibilities, and we are very happy they selected us," IBM Spokesman Scott Brooks said. This marks the latest cooperation between Microsoft and IBM since OS/2 Warp, an operating system IBM spent a billion dollars of research on in the 1990's. A spokeswoman for Microsoft, which also issued a release, declined to elaborate. "It's quite simple," she said. "It's an announcement of a technology agreement. There's not much more to be said."But Richard Doherty, research director of Envisioneering Group of Seaford, New York, said the announcement could be the first in a more general shift by Microsoft away from GUI's altogether. "It's a very big deal. It's a clear change of direction for Microsoft, and it's a very fortunate surprise for Linux and Macintosh," he said. "There's quite a bit of irony here," he added, referring to the fact that it has always been assumed that Windows has become less and less console based. Doherty said the new system is "very secure" and boasts "great use of extended ascii characters." Whatever the details, he said the mouse will still play an important role in Vista, as it did in DOS and moreso in previous versions of Windows. "I think performance will be more akin to Linux," he said. Doherty said he envisions new console-based embeddded systems, running Windows TE, an experimental text-based Windows for pocket computers- although Microsoft, who has been very quiet about the changes, declined to comment on the existance of or plans for Windows TE."The new Microsoft is about stability and performance above all else," he said. "I think we will see Microsoft decided on interfaces on their merits now, rather than eye candy. It's about time."