(Tässä pelimoottori, mikä käsittääkseni hyödyntää uusia DX10 ominaisuuksia
Tässä uutta kuvaa pelistä (DX10). Menee jo hivenen ohi aiheesta, mutta näitä kelpaa katsella ..
http://www.bit-tech.net/gaming/2006/04/20/crysis_new_screenshots/1.htmlhttp://www.bit-tech.net/gaming/2006/04/20/crysis_new_screenshots/2.htmlhttp://www.bit-tech.net/gaming/2006/04/20/crysis_new_screenshots/3.html"Crysis will be one of the first titles to use DirectX 10, which will be available exclusively on Windows Vista, though it is currently running on DirectX 9 and existing hardware. In a recent interview with CVG, Bernd Diemer from Crytek had this to say:
Everything you've seen has been running on DX9 and normal hardware you can get in the shops right now. It's all normal spec and doesn't even use a dual processor or anything like that, we don't have any special graphical hardware inside these boxes. However, with DX10 and a dual core CPU, you're going to see something very special indeed.
When we compare Far Cry to Crysis we're talking about two to three levels better in terms of generations, but if you compare DX 9 to DX10 it's at least a generation better, so there's a tangible difference, visually as well as from the intensity. "
Pelistä saadaan varmasti ensi kuun E3-messuilta pelivideota, joten mielenkiinnolla tässä odotellaan ..
Saa nähdä mitä kaikkea Vista DX10 ominaisuuksia Vista tulee hyödyntämään työpöydällä. Wobly windowssit yms. demosivat jo 2003.