Aluks mulla ei ollu asennettuna firestarter:ia.. ilmeisesti palomuuri ei ollu päällä? Kun ei toiminut niin asensin ton ja kokeilin laittaa sallituksi kaiken liikenteen toiselta koneelta jolta yritin käyttää live webkameraa nettiselaimella..
ei vaan saa yhteyttä?
Motionissa on tälläset asetukset:
# daemon = off
# setup_mode = off
# videodevice = /dev/video0
# input = 8
# norm = 0
# frequency = 0
# rotate = 0
# width = 320
# height = 240
# framerate = 25
# netcam_url = (null)
# netcam_userpass = (null)
# netcam_proxy = (null)
# auto_brightness = off
# brightness = 0
# contrast = 0
# saturation = 0
# hue = 0
# roundrobin_frames = 1
# roundrobin_skip = 1
# switchfilter = off
# threshold = 1500
# threshold_tune = off
# noise_level = 32
# noise_tune = on
# night_compensate = off
# despeckle = (null)
# mask_file = (null)
# smart_mask_speed = 0
# lightswitch = 0
# minimum_motion_frames = 1
# pre_capture = 0
# post_capture = 0
# gap = 60
# minimum_gap = 0
# max_mpeg_time = 3600
# low_cpu = 0
# output_all = off
# output_normal = on
# output_motion = off
# quality = 85
# ppm = off
# ffmpeg_cap_new = on
# ffmpeg_cap_motion = on
# ffmpeg_timelapse = 0
# ffmpeg_timelapse_mode = daily
# ffmpeg_bps = 100000
# ffmpeg_variable_bitrate = 0
# ffmpeg_video_codec = msmpeg4
# snapshot_interval = 0
# locate = off
# text_right = %Y-%m-%d\n%T
# text_left = (null)
# text_changes = off
# text_double = off
# target_dir = /tmp
# snapshot_filename = %v-%Y%m%d%H-snapshot
# jpeg_filename = %Y%m%d%H
# ffmpeg_filename = %Y%m%d
# timelapse_filename = %Y%m%d-timelapse
# webcam_port = 8081
# webcam_quality = 50
# webcam_motion = off
# webcam_maxrate = 8
# webcam_localhost = off
# webcam_limit = 0
# control_port = 8080
# control_localhost = on
# control_html_output = on
# control_authentication = (null)
# track_type = 0
# track_port = (null)
# track_motorx = 0
# track_maxx = 0
# track_iomojo_id = 0
# track_speed = 255
# track_stepsize = 40
# quiet = on
# on_event_start = (null)
# on_event_end = (null)
# on_picture_save = (null)
# on_motion_detected = (null)
# on_movie_start = (null)
# on_movie_end = (null)
# sql_log_image = on
# sql_log_snapshot = on
# sql_log_mpeg = off
# sql_log_timelapse = off
# mysql_db = (null)
# mysql_host = (null)
# mysql_user = (null)
# mysql_password = (null)
# pgsql_db = (null)
# pgsql_host = (null)
# pgsql_user = (null)
# pgsql_password = (null)
# pgsql_port = 5432
# video_pipe = (null)
# motion_video_pipe = (null)
# thread = (null)
ja tiedostossa /etc/motion/motion.conf:
# Minimal motion example config file provided by the
# Debian motion package - for basic webcam operation.
# You most certainly want to investigate
# /usr/share/doc/motion/examples/motion-dist.conf.gz
# for further configuration options. Also, refer to the
# motion man page and /usr/share/doc/motion/motion_guide.html
# for detailed information on configuration options.
daemon off
quiet on
# You may very well need to change this (check with 'dmesg'
# after plugging in your webcam)
videodevice /dev/video0
# Image size in pixels (valid range is camera dependent)
width 320
height 240
framerate 25
quality 85
auto_brightness off
# Initial brightness, contrast, hue (NTSC), and saturation
# 0 = disabled (valid range 0-255)
brightness 0
contrast 0
saturation 0
hue 0
# Encode movies in real-time (install ffmpeg before enabling)
ffmpeg_cap_new off
# Codec to be used by ffmpeg for the video compression.
# Supported formats: mpeg4, msmpeg4.
ffmpeg_video_codec msmpeg4
# Target base directory for pictures and films
# You should probably change this (create dir beforehand)
target_dir /tmp
# Define a port number (e.g. 8000) to enable the mini-http server
# 0 = disabled
webcam_port 8081
# Set to 'off' to allow anybody (not just localhost) to view the
# webcam via the mini-http server (
webcam_localhost off
webcam_quality 50
webcam_maxrate 8
# TCP/IP port for the http server to listen on (default: 0 = disabled)
control_port 8080
# Restrict control connections to localhost only (default: on)
control_localhost on
# Output for http server, select off to choose raw text plain (default: on)
control_html_output on
# Authentication for the http based control. Syntax username:password
# Default: not defined (Disabled)
; control_authentication username:password