Päivitys CD:ltä ei onnistu
Noilla ohjeilla koitettu:
Upgrading using the alternate CD/DVD
Use this method if the system being upgraded is not connected to the Internet.
1. Download and burn the alternate installation CD.
2. Insert it into your CD-ROM drive.
3. A dialog will be displayed offering you the opportunity to upgrade using that CD.
4. Follow the on-screen instructions.
kolmos kohdassa tyrkyttää avataanko pakettienhallinta (Synaptic), pitäiskö tämä päivittää paketti kerrallaan, ei kai ?
Seuraavakaan ohje ei pelaa:
If the upgrade dialog is not displayed for any reason, you may also run the following command using Alt+F2:
gksu "sh /cdrom/cdromupgrade"
Ei ole rompulla tollasta cdromupgrade fileä
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