- Viestejä:
- 1013 (0,151 viestiä per päivä)
- Sukupuoli:
- Mies
- Ikä:
- 33
- Asuinpaikka:
- Helsinki
- Rekisteröitynyt:
- 23.10.06 - klo:14.11
- Paikallinen aika:
- 16.02.25 - klo:23.48
- Kielipaketti:
- Finnish
- Viimeksi paikalla:
- 14.07.13 - klo:20.41
Welcome to my signature!Please note that this signature is licensed under the General Public License. By embedding the signature, or parts of it, into your brain other than by mere aggregation, your brain becomes a combined, and therefore derived, work and thus must be licensed under the GPL too