Asentaminen ja käyttöönotto / [Ratkaistu]Asennus ei onnistu Asus E410KA läppärin eMMC levylle.
« : 11.08.23 - klo:18.54 »
Alko Wintoosa kyllästyttämään ja eikun vaihto Ubuntuun. Vaan ei onnistu. Tökkää levyn osiointiin, "Tiedostojärjestelmän ext4 luonti laitteelle MMC/SD-kortti " # 1 (mmcblk0) osiolle n:ro5 ei onnistunut."
Tällaisen löysin: https://superuser.com/questions/1688659/128gb-emmc-drive-on-asus-laptop-unable-to-format-to-ext4
"Way 1: Unload the module and reload it with the option specified.
sudo modprobe -r sdhci_pci
sudo modprobe -r sdhci
sudo modprobe sdhci debug_quirks=0x20000
sudo modprobe sdhci_pci
This works when the system isn't going to access eMMC drive during boot. For example, you are in some kind of linux installer and about to begin installation on the eMMC drive."
"Way 2: Specify sdhci.debug_quirks=0x20000 option to the kernel command line.
This often can be done with bootloader menu. It might save the day when the eMMC drive is used during boot and you didn't have a chance to burn the option via /etc/modprobe.d to initramfs."
"Way 3: Use /etc/modprobe.d
Create a file like /etc/modprobe.d/sdhci-disable-cqe.conf which contains:
options sdhci debug_quirks=0x20000
This is usually "the right" way to permanently tweak module load behaviour. However, in order for it to work at early boot, one should make sure the config file gets to initrd image. Ways to do this may differ across distributions. For Ubuntu it's usually running sudo update-initramfs -u after creating/editing a file in /etc/modprobe.d.
PS: From what I see - debug_quirks thing seems to be the only available option for disabling CQE on common kernel builds. The issue seems to be rare and usually encountered on some specific non-x86 hardware. I was really desperate and about to order an SSD, the idea to dig sdhci source code for all available options in response to some (non-CQE related) debug_quirks mentions came up just the last moment =)"
Kohdan 1 koodilla asennus onnistui, mutta Ubuntu ei kuitenkaan toiminut. Ilmeisesti koodi toimii tasan niin kauan, kuin kone on käynnissä. Kohdan 2 tai 3 mukaiset toimenpiteet toimisivat pysyvästi, jos olen oikein ymmärtänyt? Tietotaito vaan ei ainakaan toistaiseksi taida riittää.
Tällaisen löysin: https://superuser.com/questions/1688659/128gb-emmc-drive-on-asus-laptop-unable-to-format-to-ext4
"Way 1: Unload the module and reload it with the option specified.
sudo modprobe -r sdhci_pci
sudo modprobe -r sdhci
sudo modprobe sdhci debug_quirks=0x20000
sudo modprobe sdhci_pci
This works when the system isn't going to access eMMC drive during boot. For example, you are in some kind of linux installer and about to begin installation on the eMMC drive."
"Way 2: Specify sdhci.debug_quirks=0x20000 option to the kernel command line.
This often can be done with bootloader menu. It might save the day when the eMMC drive is used during boot and you didn't have a chance to burn the option via /etc/modprobe.d to initramfs."
"Way 3: Use /etc/modprobe.d
Create a file like /etc/modprobe.d/sdhci-disable-cqe.conf which contains:
options sdhci debug_quirks=0x20000
This is usually "the right" way to permanently tweak module load behaviour. However, in order for it to work at early boot, one should make sure the config file gets to initrd image. Ways to do this may differ across distributions. For Ubuntu it's usually running sudo update-initramfs -u after creating/editing a file in /etc/modprobe.d.
PS: From what I see - debug_quirks thing seems to be the only available option for disabling CQE on common kernel builds. The issue seems to be rare and usually encountered on some specific non-x86 hardware. I was really desperate and about to order an SSD, the idea to dig sdhci source code for all available options in response to some (non-CQE related) debug_quirks mentions came up just the last moment =)"
Kohdan 1 koodilla asennus onnistui, mutta Ubuntu ei kuitenkaan toiminut. Ilmeisesti koodi toimii tasan niin kauan, kuin kone on käynnissä. Kohdan 2 tai 3 mukaiset toimenpiteet toimisivat pysyvästi, jos olen oikein ymmärtänyt? Tietotaito vaan ei ainakaan toistaiseksi taida riittää.