Löysin tälläisen ohjeenpätkän, mutta kun en ymmärrä tosta yhtään mitään niin voisko joku auttaa mua saamaan tähän ubuntu 5.10 äänet toimimaan. Ei kai kuitenkaan kerneliä tarvitse alkaa vaihtamaan äänien saamiseksi?
by now, the only thing that really works is my vga, no wireless/bluetooth/sound/acpi
I changed my repo sources to breezy for a moment, downloaded linux-source-2.6.12 (2.6.12 kernel with ubuntu patches)
then changed my sources back to hoary
to compile the kernel, I extracted the sources into /usr/src folder, it created a folder /usr/src/linux-source-2.6.12
for the rest, useLuca_linux howto , although I recommend replacing
sudo make-kpkg --append-to-version=-custom kernel_image modules_image
sudo make-kpkg --append-to-version=-custom binary modules_image
to also get debs with kernel headers etc, so kernel/headers can be installed on new install, without compilation again.
to save anyone else the troubles of config files, I will attach mine, so all that is required is to copy my config file to /usr/src/linux/.config
.config adds modules necessary for ACPI, sound driver, as well as IPW2200 functionality (the drivers themselves didn't quite do the trick)
wifi is in the wireless networkingg section somewhere, ipw2200
sound is under section:
sound driver, ALSA->PCI->High definition audio
If the forum permits, I'll also upload my kernel, to really save trouble!
compile the kernel.
after a whole whack of dsdt debugging (found a very helpful resource in the end on the gentoo forums), and came out with a clean compile on iasl v20050309, my dsdt's will be attached.
I recommend adding a custom dsdt to the kernel before compile time, alternatively, the table can be slapped into the initrd.
after the kernel is compiled, and installed, ie
dpkg -i kernel-***-2.6.12*.deb
cd /boot
sudo mkinitrd -o /boot/initrd.img-2.6.12-*YOURKERNELNAME* 2.6.12-*YOURKERNELNAME*
add the line
initrd /boot/initrd.img-2.6.12-*YOURKERNELNAME*
into /boot/grub/menu.lst, under your new kernel entry