Niinpä niin, ei pumppaa humppaa tämä läppäri.
Tosin ei tullut yllätyksenä tämä, sillä tuolta: käy ilmi, että sama ongelma on koskettanut muitakin. Ohje on selkeä, mutta mitään en siitä ymmärrä. Laitankin nyt peukalon suuhuni ja palaan asiaan myöhemmin.
Additional setup needed
The CS4237B audio controller remained silent after the initial installation. The necessary modules and options has to be supplied by hand. After reading info on the 770E on ThinkWiki, and quite a bit of googling, I managed to get the sound working (listening to music even as I now write using xmms). The first thing is to install pnpbios-tools. It supplies lspnp and setpnp tools.
Using lspnp gives the following information:
0e CSC0000 Crystal PnP audio system CODEC
0f CSC0010 Crystal PnP audio system control registers
10 CSC0001 Crystal PnP audio system joystick
11 CSC0003 Crystal PnP audio system MPU-401 compatible
Running lspnp -v shows, that the io and irq are disabled. So, I first used setpnp 0e on; setpnp 0f on; setpnp 11 on. Of course you probably need root priviledges for this. This time the relevant part of lspnp -v | less shows
0e CSC0000 Crystal PnP audio system CODEC
io 0x0530-0x0537
io 0x0388-0x038b
io 0x0220-0x0233
irq 5
dma 1
dma 0
0f CSC0010 Crystal PnP audio system control registers
io 0x0538-0x053f
10 CSC0001 Crystal PnP audio system joystick
io 0x0200-0x0207
11 CSC0003 Crystal PnP audio system MPU-401 compatible
io disabled
irq disabled
So apparently the relevant parameters are port=0x530, cport=0x538, dma1=1, dma2=0, irq=5. I made a script which is placed in /etc/init.d/ibm-sound and is run on boot. Here it is:
setpnp 0e on
setpnp 0f on
setpnp 11 on
modprobe snd-pcm
modprobe snd-cs4236 index=0 port=0x530 cport=0x538 dma1=1 dma2=0 irq=5 isapnp=0