Ubuntu 24.04.1 LTS | Lataa ja asenna | Tutustu yhteisöön | Blogi | Yritysten tarjoamat palvelutUusimmat julkaisut: 24.04.1 LTS (suositeltu, 29.8.2024) ja 24.10 - Ubuntun 20-vuotisjulkaisu! (10.10.2024).
Automaattnen päivitys pysähtyi virheilmoitukseen viallisesta pakettienhallinnasta
LainausThis message is valid for Linux 32 bit systems only, 64 bit systems of course will stay supported. When you have the 32 bit version of Ubuntu installed, Google Chrome will not receive updates, starting from March 2016 - this already was announced by Google back on December 1st 2015.Google: We will end support for Google Chrome on 32-bit Linux ...http://askubuntu.com/questions/724093/no-more-updates-for-google-chrome-apt-get-update-errorJos sulla on 64-bittinen Ubuntu niin kokeile korjaiskoKoodia: [Valitse]sudo sed -i -e 's/deb http/deb [arch=amd64] http/' "/etc/apt/sources.list.d/google-chrome.list" "/opt/google/chrome/cron/google-chrome" && sudo apt-get updateongelman. Tuo vaihtaan Chromen 64-bittisin paketteihin.
This message is valid for Linux 32 bit systems only, 64 bit systems of course will stay supported. When you have the 32 bit version of Ubuntu installed, Google Chrome will not receive updates, starting from March 2016 - this already was announced by Google back on December 1st 2015.Google: We will end support for Google Chrome on 32-bit Linux ...
sudo sed -i -e 's/deb http/deb [arch=amd64] http/' "/etc/apt/sources.list.d/google-chrome.list" "/opt/google/chrome/cron/google-chrome" && sudo apt-get update
Lainaus käyttäjältä: jerkkq - 12.03.16 - klo:15.01LainausThis message is valid for Linux 32 bit systems only, 64 bit systems of course will stay supported. When you have the 32 bit version of Ubuntu installed, Google Chrome will not receive updates, starting from March 2016 - this already was announced by Google back on December 1st 2015.Google: We will end support for Google Chrome on 32-bit Linux ...http://askubuntu.com/questions/724093/no-more-updates-for-google-chrome-apt-get-update-errorJos sulla on 64-bittinen Ubuntu niin kokeile korjaiskoKoodia: [Valitse]sudo sed -i -e 's/deb http/deb [arch=amd64] http/' "/etc/apt/sources.list.d/google-chrome.list" "/opt/google/chrome/cron/google-chrome" && sudo apt-get updateongelman. Tuo vaihtaan Chromen 64-bittisin paketteihin.Mulla ratkes tolla....