Liitän tähän vielä noiden ohjeiden lopun. Minun englanin taitoni ei ole kummoinen mutta ymmärtäkseni olen niitä noudattanut. Tuo kohta 6 alku vähän on epäselvä, pitääkö siinä purkaa tuo sama tiedosto kuin kohdassa 5
3.Once, the download is finished, choose a location for installing the new openBVE version and the openBVE content. Go to Home folder via, Places --> Home Folder
4.Select the “Create Folder” option using right click menu. Name it as”openBVE”. Create another folder namely “openBVE_Content”. Now, create two more new folders, “Railway” and “Train” in the openBVE_Content folder.
5.Locate and extract the downloaded openBVE version “” to this new folder “openBVE”.
6.Extract the files of the dependencies (eg. in openBVE folder using the same procedure.
That’s all. Installation process is complete. To verify the installation, first open the terminal window using, Applications ---> Accessories --> Terminal and enter the following commands.
cd /home/username/openBVE
mono OpenBve.exe
Note : Enter the command in proper upper and lower cases.