Tuolla oli ihan jänniä kommentteja tuosta:
http://phoronix.com/forums/showthread.php?81127-SphinUX-OS-Claims-To-Be-150-Faster-Than-GNU-Linux/page6The distro ships with quite a few penetration tools. Not sure what they are for...
Jos penetration tools on uusi sana, kts.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Penetration_testThere's a script that sends logs, hardware information, and takes a screenshot of the active Xorg session to http://www.sphinux.org/bug_report.php
Samasta viestistä toinenkin kohta:
And yeah...I highly doubt these people could create a kernel since they can't create a distro properly:
- Their bluetooth devices address is 9C:B7:0D:69:E7:BF
- All of their prior DHCP leases are in /var/lib/dhcp/ and /var/lib/NetworkManager/
- All policykit actions are automatically allowed (even on installed system): /var/lib/polkit-1/localauthority/10-vendor.d/10-live-cd.pkla
And even that code seems to be stolen without credit, from Stack Overflow user Tronic
Kts. viesti.Eli ei taida olla kovin kummoinen tuttavuus tuo jakelu. Varmaankin vain Linux-ydin jollain käännösoptioilla.