Kirjoittaja Aihe: Uus asennus ja.. invalid arch independent ELF magic  (Luettu 3518 kertaa)


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Eli mulla on kahdella levyllä kolme käyttistä:

sda:lla on Mac Lion
sdb:lla on Win7 ja Ubuntu 11.10

Asensin tänään ton 11.10:n tilalle 12.04:n ja käskin asennusta asentamaan sdb:lle bootin kun se sitä kysyy. Eli jotain munasin kun tulee toi "invalid arch independent ELF magic"? Mites sais pelastettua systeemin takas toimivaks? Mac-osio buuttaa ihan tyylikkäästi kun valitsee sen levyn BIOSista buutattavaks mut toi sdb buuttaa tohon erroriin.
HP i7-pohjainen desktop ja itsekasattu i7-pohjainen desktop, uusin ubuntu 64bit
Ubuntu since 2008 Feb


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Vs: Uus asennus ja.. invalid arch independent ELF magic
« Vastaus #1 : 21.02.12 - klo:14.01 »
No se meni ihan vaan googlaten ja kokeillen kohdilleen, mut pelotti kyllä että jotenkin mokaan sit ton Macin bootin, mut näillä meni kuosiin:

Reinstalling GRUB 2 from LiveCD
If you cannot boot from GRUB 2 and need to reinstall it, here is the simple method. For more details or for advanced options, refer to the Ubuntu community documentation here: Grub2 - Reinstalling GRUB 2:

    Boot the Ubuntu Live CD (Try without installing).
    From the Desktop, open a terminal - Applications, Accessories, Terminal.
    Determine your normal system partition - `sudo fdisk -l` (That is a lowercase L)
    If you aren't sure, run `df -Th`. Look for the correct disk size and ext3 or ext4 format.
    Mount your normal system partition:

    sudo mount /dev/sdXY /mnt

        If you aren't sure if you mounted the correct partition, once it's mounted run "nautilus /mnt" to inspect the partition. If it is the correct partition, you should see the normal Ubuntu folders such as /bin, /boot, /etc, /home, etc
        Example: sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt
        Note: The partition to mount is normally the partition on which Ubuntu was installed: sda1, sdb5, etc. If you have a separate /boot partition, use the device on which the /boot partition is located. Grub 2 works best when installed in the MBR of the drive to which BIOS boots. Also remember that you mount the partition (including the number) in this step, but you do not include the partition number when you run the "sudo grub-install" command later.
        Note: GRUB 2 counts the first drive (X) as "0", but the first partition (Y) as "1"
    Only if you have a separate boot partition:

        sudo mount /dev/sdXY /mnt/boot

        with sdXY being your /boot partition designation.
    Reinstall GRUB 2:

    sudo grub-install --root-directory=/mnt /dev/sdX

    Do NOT include the partition number.
        Example: sudo grub-install --root-directory=/mnt /dev/sda
        Note: Substitute the device on which Ubuntu was installed - sda, sdb, etc. Do not specify a partition number.
    Unmount the partition *:

    sudo umount /mnt

        * Note: If you mounted a separate /boot partition, unmount it first:

        sudo umount /mnt/boot


HP i7-pohjainen desktop ja itsekasattu i7-pohjainen desktop, uusin ubuntu 64bit
Ubuntu since 2008 Feb