Kirjoittaja Aihe: Web linkin avuaus sähköpostista: Thunderbird?  (Luettu 1254 kertaa)


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En saa mitenkään webin linkkejä aukeamaan sähköpostista. Olen tehnyt oheisen ohjeen (alla) mukaiset toimenpiteet (ja testannut muunnelmia) mutta silti homma ei toimi. Niin ja tuo polku /usr/bin/firefox on oikein, ainakin Firefox käynnistyy ko. polusta.

Jos vain kopion linkin Firefoxiin niin se toimii.
Onko hyviä ehdotuksia mitä vielä pitäisi korjata.

Ubuntu 11.04, Thunderbird 3.1.11, Firefox 5.0

Setting the browser that opens in Thunderbird - Linux

If you are unable to launch Firefox (or another Mozilla browser) from URL links in a Thunderbird mail message, add the following lines to the user.js file, located in your Thunderbird profile folder (you may need to create the user.js file). Change the path of the Firefox executable, if yours is not /usr/bin/firefox.

user_pref("", "/usr/bin/firefox");
user_pref("", "/usr/bin/firefox");
user_pref("", "/usr/bin/firefox");

If you are still unable to change the browser after modifying these settings, editing the mimeTypes.rdf file, also located in your Profile folder, can fix the problem.
Rather than directly editing the file, you can get Thunderbird to automatically add the required sections as follows:

    Navigate to "Edit --> Preferences --> Advanced" in the Thunderbird menus and click on the "Config Editor" button.
    Search for the following three entries:
    Set the value of each of these three entries to true (you can do this by double-clicking on each entry, then close the "about:config" window and click "OK" on the "Thunderbird Preferences" window).