Ubuntu 24.04.1 LTS | Lataa ja asenna | Tutustu yhteisöön | Blogi | Yritysten tarjoamat palvelutUusimmat julkaisut: 24.04.1 LTS (suositeltu, 29.8.2024) ja 24.10 - Ubuntun 20-vuotisjulkaisu! (10.10.2024).
Already received too many shipmentsDemand for Ubuntu CDs is very high, and we're trying to ensure that we have enough CDs for those who really need one. We've noticed that you've already received CDs of several previous Ubuntu releases. You can help us ensure the continued availability of Ubuntu CDs by -upgrading to the new release without a CD-downloading your own CD for free-becoming an Ubuntu member by contributing to Ubuntu, and thereby becoming eligible for more CDsThanks for your support of Ubuntu! .
On the 4GB DVD: Ubuntu 10.10 megafest - exclusive triple-booting DVD with enhanced Ubuntu, Kubuntu and Xubuntu. Plus: coding tools, games, podcasts and more
eipä tuo itselläkään anna tilata, tosin olenhan tilannut vasta 10, 10.04 versiota.