EEE PC 4g miniläppäriin yritän saada virtuaalisesti 1024 resoluution kun tuo 860 on vähän pieni kokoinen.
tottelin ubuntun sivujen ohjeita
https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EeePC/Using mutta ei tunnu toimivan.
Scaling the display to 1024x768
If your Eee came with Windows XP you'll remember it had a feature to show the screen in compressed 1024x768 resolution when you press the "change resolution" hotkey. This can be a great help when using applications that don't fit in the standard 1024x600 view.
Unfortunately that doesn't work out of the box in Ubuntu, but you can set it up quite easily once you know how - it took me a while to figure it out so I am sharing it here. First create a script to switch between normal and compressed mode:
mkdir ~/bin
gedit ~/bin/toggle-zoom
Copy/paste the following script into the window (delete the space before the '#' sign, I don't know how to make the wiki show # without putting a space in front!):
if xrandr | head -n1 | grep -q '1024 x 600'; then
xrandr --output LVDS1 --scale 1.0x1.28
xrandr --output LVDS1 --scale 1.0x1.0
Save and exit, and then make the script executable:
chmod 755 ~/bin/toggle-zoom
If you just created the ~/bin directory (if it didn't already exist) log out and back in to add it to your path. Then you can open a terminal or press Alt-F2 and run the command by typing:
You can also create a launcher on the panel. If you want to assign it to the hotkey you need a program called Eee-control, that you can find here:
http://greg.geekmind.org/eee-control/. Once you have installed this, you can assign the display resolution hotkey to "toggle-zoom" and you are set.
olenko ymmärtänyt ohjeet väärin vai tarkoittaako tuo jotain aivan muuta kuin luulen?
olen siis ensin avannut kyseisen tiedoston joka oli tyhjä, liittänyt sinne nuo tavarat, tallentanut mennyt takaisin konsoliin ajanut chmod komennon ja sitten yrittänyt ajaa tuota toggle-zoom komentoa joka ei anna virhettä mutta ei tuota mitään tulostakaan. mikään ei tunnu muuttuvan. mikä neuvoksi?