Kirjoittaja Aihe: The Humble Indie Bundle 7  (Luettu 48254 kertaa)


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The Humble Indie Bundle V
« Vastaus #60 : 31.05.12 - klo:20.27 »
The Humble Indie Bundle V

Hienoja pelejä taas saatavilla.

Amnesia: The Dark Descent
Amnesia: The Dark Descent is Frictional Games' first-person, survival horror masterpiece, pitting a weaponless protagonist against the darkest secrets of the castle he's trapped in. With an emphasis on puzzle-solving and maintaining sanity amidst unspeakable abominations, Amnesia's tense adventure breaks new ground for a well-loved, but challenging genre.

The acclaimed action-platformer Psychonauts bears all the marks of a mad Tim Schafer/Double Fine creation: a zany premise, standout characters, and fun-above-all gameplay. In Psychonauts, you play as Raz, a psychically gifted kid at a summer camp-slash-training facility for mentalist super agents. When the camp falls to a dastardly deception, it's up to Raz to traverse through the minds of various camp characters to save himself and his friends.

The captivating puzzle-platformer LIMBO is a modern classic, putting players in control of a boy's journey through a tense and hostile world. The protagonist is as fragile and hardy as you'd expect of a young kid, making for a novel and sometimes surprisingly intense adventure. With incredibly tight platforming, detailed 2D graphics, and well-designed puzzles, LIMBO has rightfully earned critical and popular acclaim for the Danish indie studio, Playdead.

Superbrothers: Sword & Sworcery EP
Superbrothers: Sword & Sworcery EP delivers a completely fresh adventure gaming experience, defying conventions to develop a unique kind of storytelling. The plot is unveiled in "sessions," each of which involves traveling through the countryside and solving puzzles and combat challenges. Every scene overflows with rich graphic and auditory details, featuring distinctive artwork by Superbrothers Inc. and music and sound design by Jim Guthrie.

Keskivertoa enemmän maksavat saavat myös:
The action-RPG Bastion won over the gaming public with its incredible attention to every detail—from the tight combat controls, to the inspired, narrator-driven storytelling in a novel, post-apocalyptic fantasy world. Players take on the role of the Kid, entrusted with the thankless task of restoring the world after a disastrous calamity. With a none-too-small arsenal of stylized weapons, jaw-dropping art, and amazing music, Bastion truly deserves its reputation as a must-play indie game by Supergiant Games.

Pakettiin kuuluu myös pelien soundtrackit. Tällä kertaa pelien asennus Ubuntuun on tehty yksinkertaisemmaksi. Pelit asentuvat nappia painamalla Ubuntun sovellusvalikoimasta.

Tämän saa taas kopioida ensimmäiseen viestiin.
« Viimeksi muokattu: 31.05.12 - klo:21.07 kirjoittanut RamiSelin »
Ubuntu 14.04, Ivy Bridge-E Core i7-4820K, GA-X79-UD3, Crucial 8GB Ballistix Elite DDR3 1866MHz, GeForce GTX 750 Ti, Kühler H2O 650, Chieftec 600W


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Vs: The Humble Indie Bundle V
« Vastaus #61 : 05.06.12 - klo:02.06 »
Mites tuo HumbleBundle käytännössä toimii? Makselen Paypalilla rahaa ja saan jonkinlaisen koodin, jolla pääsen nuo pelit sitten lataamaan?

Mutta entäs jos hankin nuo Ubuntun sovellusvalikoiman kautta, asentelen ja päivänä X joudun tekemään puhtaan asennuksen.. Voinko asentaa nuo pelit uudelleen Sovellusvalikoiman kautta samaisella koodilla, vai onko ne sitten sitä myötä menneet?

Eipä tuo nyt montaa euroa maksa kokeilla, mutta toisaalta, jos voin pelata kyseisiä pelejä vain yhdellä asennuksella niin voi meikäläisen tapauksessa olla hukkaan heitettyjä euroja nekin kun on kuitenkin enemmän sääntö kuin poikkeus, että jossain vaiheessa saan järjestelmän niin sekaisin, että joutuu puhtaan asennuksen tekemään  ;D

Onhan se sääli sitten, jos on johonkin peliin tykästynyt ja ehtinyt tahkota pitkällekkin ja loppuviimeksi joutuu ostamaan saman pelin vielä toistamiseen täydellä hinnalla ja aloittamaan kaiken alusta..  :-\

Tietysti jos nuo pelit tekevät omat hakemistonsa jotka voi helposti kopioida tikulle ja liittää uuteen asennukseen, (ja ne pelit toimivatkin vielä sen jälkeen) niin sitten nou hätä.


FaQ taisikin vastata kysymykseeni installerin osalta (Ubuntun sovellusvalikoimasta ei tosin ole HumbleBundlen FaQissa mitään mainintaa)

"Your download page will be available to you at anytime for the foreseeable future. However, you are free to maintain a local copy of the installation files."

Ei laittomuuksia tai harmaalla alueella olevaa juttua tälle palstalle. Siivottu tekstiä. -Storck


Anteeksi, Strock, mutta HumbeIndieBundle tarjoaa itse vaihtoehtoa ladata nuo kyseiset pelit täysin laillisesti bittorrent-protokollaa hyödyntäen, joten en ymmärrä miten tiedonsiirtoprotokolla (jota itse pelejä myyvä taho tarjoaa pelien lataamiseen) rinnastetaan suoraan laittomuuksiin/harmaalle alueelle. Onhan Ubuntun levykuvatkin saatavilla torrenttina - täysin laillisesti...

We strongly recommend the BitTorrent option for large files

En muista sanalleen alkuperäisen viestini sisältöä, joten on vaikea todeta mikä osa viestistäni oli "harmaalla alueella", mutta muistelisin maininneeni torrentin latausvaihtoehtona ja siihen ei tällä hetkellä viestini viittaa, joten uskoisin tämän kohdan olleen se jonka olet alkuperäisestä viestistäni siivonnut...?
« Viimeksi muokattu: 05.06.12 - klo:14.57 kirjoittanut CoReD »
Asus Maximux IV Hero | i5-4670K | Thermalright Archon SB-E | 2x4GB RipjawsX | GTX 970 4GB  | Samsung 128GB 840 Pro | Kingston 480GB SSDNow V300 | 2TB WD Green | Fractal Design Define R4 | Seasonic G-550 | Creative Sound Blaster Z |  Asus PB278Q | Win 8.1


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Vs: The Humble Indie Bundle V
« Vastaus #62 : 05.06.12 - klo:09.19 »
Jos pelit lataa suoraan koneelle tiedostona, niin niitä voi asennella vaikka kuinka monta kertaa...  :)


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  • Techjunkie.
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    • Liquid Flower Games
Vs: The Humble Indie Bundle V
« Vastaus #63 : 05.06.12 - klo:10.21 »
Kokeilin klikata tuota "Download for Ubuntu" tuolta henkilökohtaiselta lataus-sivultani, tämä vei minut Ubuntu-kirjautumissivulle. Eli ilmeisesti luodaan tunnus (ellei ole jo Launchpad-tunnusta, jota voi käyttää), johon ostoksesi sitten sidotaan.
Kone 1: Intel Core i5 2500K, 8GB DDR3, nVidia GTX 560 Ti 1GB, 2x1TB & 1x 250GB HDD, Windows 7 & Arch
Kone 2: Lenovo Ideapad Z370 (i5-2410M, 4GB RAM & GeForce 410M) Chakra
Google LG Nexus 4 (ParanoidAndroid)
Linuxia noin vuodesta 2004.


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Vs: The Humble Indie Bundle V
« Vastaus #64 : 05.06.12 - klo:16.41 »
Eli ilmeisesti luodaan tunnus (ellei ole jo Launchpad-tunnusta, jota voi käyttää), johon ostoksesi sitten sidotaan.
Juurikin näin. Voi siis asentaa silläkin tavalla kaikille haluamilleen koneille, joissa pyörii riittävän tuore Ubuntu. Toki ne voi asentaa sittenkin perinteisemmin ja itse ainakin olen säilönyt vähintään yhden kopion noista peleistä, varsinkin kun hitaan kaistan päässä asun.

Älytöntä tuossa Ubuntun softakaupan kautta asentamisessa vaan oli se, ettei se osannut jatkaa keskeytynyttä latausta. Itselläni oli Amnesiasta muutama sata megaa ladattuna ja sitten huomasin, että kone oli mennyt nukkumaan. Herätettyäni koneen se aloitti lataamisen uudestaan.
Automaattinen allekirjoitus:
Lisäisitkö [RATKAISTU] ketjun ensimmäisen viestin aiheeseen ongelman ratkettua, kiitos.


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Vs: The Humble Indie Bundle V
« Vastaus #65 : 05.06.12 - klo:19.34 »

Teksti oli siihen malliin laitettu että siitä pystyi päättelemään yhtä sun toista.
Pahoittelut liian innokkaasta toiminnastani - täällä kannattaa olla tarkkana kun puhuu torrenteista ja muualta saaduista koodeista..


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Vs: The Humble Indie Bundle V
« Vastaus #66 : 06.06.12 - klo:15.10 »
Nyt on Bundle ostettu ja pelitkin latautui yön aikana koneelle. Pelit asentui simppelisti installereilla/gdebillä ja vaikuttaisivat toimivan ihan ok. Limbosta tosin puuttuu äänet ja Bastion on jumittanut Xorgin pariin otteeseen, mutta pikkujuttuja..

Bastion kyllä kaipaisi kipeästi moninpeliä :P

Täytyy tästä lähin pitää silmällä noita Bundleja. Näiden kokemusten perusteella voisi hankkia toistekkin.
Asus Maximux IV Hero | i5-4670K | Thermalright Archon SB-E | 2x4GB RipjawsX | GTX 970 4GB  | Samsung 128GB 840 Pro | Kingston 480GB SSDNow V300 | 2TB WD Green | Fractal Design Define R4 | Seasonic G-550 | Creative Sound Blaster Z |  Asus PB278Q | Win 8.1


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Vs: The Humble Bundle for Android 3
« Vastaus #67 : 15.08.12 - klo:21.48 »
The Humble Bundle for Android 3
Pelejä koneeseen, kännykkään tai vaikka tablettiin.

Take your towers on the offensive against an endless sprawl of baddies in this tower defense classic. Your goal is to keep your opponents from crossing the battlefield and taking you down. Populate everything in between with deadly towers and create intricate mazes to incinerate, freeze, laser, and electrocute your way to victory.

BIT.TRIP BEAT is a charming, retro-inspired music rhythm game. Players must deflect an onslaught of projectiles, each successful deflection resulting in a musical sound. Link ‘em together to get a rhythm going! Every move is crucial, as letting anything through will threaten to disrupt the beat. This is the BIT.TRIP sensation that has — so far — spawned five awesome spin-offs and sequels.

In SpaceChem, players take on the role of a Reactor Engineer, designing complex reactors that transform raw atoms into the complex chemicals needed to survive sinister threats on the frontier colonies of space. It’s a maddeningly addictive puzzle game, and with the help of the built in level editor, it’s ensured that you’ll have plenty of challenging atomic manipulation at your fingertips.

Break into computer systems and nab valuable, secret information as you take on the role of a hacker for-hire in Uplink. The hacking gameplay in Uplink is textbook cyberpunk, complete with cracking software, credits, and nasty megacorporations. It's like a puzzle-adventure with all the action taking place between bits and bytes in cyberspace.

Kesvertoa enemmän maksavat saavat myös:
In this beautiful puzzle-platformer, autumn has arrived and you must help the spirits of fallen leaves find their way home. With only indirect control at your fingertips, you must choose a few good spirits to build stairs, change wind flow, and act as guides for the rest of the spirits, making decisions that may ultimately sacrifice the few to save the many.

Pelien soundtrackit kuuluvat luonnollisesti pakettiin.

Tämän voi taas kopioida ensimmäiseen viestiin.
Ubuntu 14.04, Ivy Bridge-E Core i7-4820K, GA-X79-UD3, Crucial 8GB Ballistix Elite DDR3 1866MHz, GeForce GTX 750 Ti, Kühler H2O 650, Chieftec 600W


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Vs: The Humble Bundle for Android 3
« Vastaus #68 : 22.08.12 - klo:22.55 »
Neljä peliä lisää bundleen.

World of Goo
This critically acclaimed puzzler challenges you to build dramatic and innovative structures using goo balls. The somewhat sentient globs create rigid planks upon being placed in proximity to other goo balls, and with your help, they can escape! World of Goo is an indie classic, and the Android iteration gives the game a perfect new form factor for experiencing the magic of goo.

In Osmos, you play an amoeba-esque creature (called a "mote") in a world with a few basic rules: you absorb smaller things, and bigger things absorb you. The catch? The amoeba propels forward by shooting out bits of itself, so move with care! Different game modes introduce opposing AI amoebas, gravity, and other twists, and a chilled out soundtrack provides the perfect mood for floating your way to cellular domination.

Anomaly: Warzone Earth
Anomaly is an intense reversal of the tower defense formula, with players managing a convoy’s path through various war torn environments. Careful planning of powerups, unit composition, and more will make or break your journey. Anomaly: Warzone Earth has rocked gamers on Windows, OS X, and iOS, and is available once more to challenge the tactics of Linux and Android gamers in high-definition.

EDGE is a casual puzzle-platformer that challenges you to roll your cube through over 100 levels. The innovative level design and "edge hangtime" mechanic will test your planning and reflexes. Nothing can quite describe the satisfying noise of rolling your cube to victory and securing a speedy finish.

Samaiset pelin nähtiin ensimmäisessä The Humble Bundle for Androidissa.
Ubuntu 14.04, Ivy Bridge-E Core i7-4820K, GA-X79-UD3, Crucial 8GB Ballistix Elite DDR3 1866MHz, GeForce GTX 750 Ti, Kühler H2O 650, Chieftec 600W


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Vs: The Humble Indie Bundle VI
« Vastaus #69 : 19.09.12 - klo:01.28 »
The Humble Indie Bundle 6
Pölyjen pyyhkimistä, palikan rikkomista, piraatteja, zombieja, mätkettä, magiaa ja galaxin kovin kaivosmies, niistä on tämänkertainen Bundle tehty.

Dustforce (keskivertoa enemmän maksaville)
The world has been corrupted with dust and filth, and it’s up to a handful of acrobatic janitors to win the war on grime. In this frenetic, award-winning platformer by Hitbox Team, sweep your way through over fifty levels of wall rebounding, double jumping endurance runs where finesse matters as much as dust destruction. Vault your brooms even higher as you share and view replays online to compete for the ultimate speed runs, and watch as your dustpan runneth over when you build your own worlds and share them online with the included map editor.
Dustforce is the winner of the $100,000 Grand Prize at the Third Independent Game Developers Competition at the 2010 Game Developers Conference Online.

Suit up as John Rochard, the toughest man and miner in the galaxy. In this critically acclaimed side-scrolling sci-fi platformer, John Rochard must master the use of gravity, weight, and matter to overcome various obstacles and puzzles in his quest against an intergalactic archaeological conspiracy.
Rochard is also the premiere title to debut the Unity game engine on Linux! Unity powers a number of amazing titles and their presence on Linux can only broaden the horizons for cross-platform gaming everywhere.

Shatter is a fresh take on brick-breakers, adding new physics-based concepts to alter the trajectory of every ball in play. Combined with an amazing soundtrack by electronic musician Module and intense boss battles, Shatter combines fantastic music with tight gameplay and frantic action.

Space Pirates and Zombies
Explore the stars, outfit your own ships, and engage in intense combat in this top down space shooter by MinMax Games. Created by a two-man team, Space Pirates and Zombies is reminiscent of classic top down shooters then combined with modern elements like physics-based combat and randomly generated galaxies. Also, zombies.

In this addicting fantasy action RPG, take on the role of a lone hero who uses brawn and magic to hack and slash their way through intense crowds of baddies while collecting awesome gear, loot, and skills. Set in the mining town of Torchlight, the hero sets out to explore dungeons and labyrinths to uncover a dark tale surrounding a mystical mineral known as Ember.

In this liquid-manipulating puzzle platformer by Strange Loop Games, take on the role of Arkwright, the inventor of liquid-comprised automatons called Fluros, originally used throughout the world to make life easier for all. When the Fluros start causing random chaos, it’s up to Arkwright to step up and take command of his invention gone awry. Vessel is built upon an optimized "liquid simulation" featuring flowing water, scalding lava, steam, and more, making each puzzle a unique experience.
*Please note that the finishing touches for Vessel's Mac and Linux debut are still being completed and should be ready in 24-72 hours. Additionally, Vessel does not have an external soundtrack like the other five games.

Ubuntu 14.04, Ivy Bridge-E Core i7-4820K, GA-X79-UD3, Crucial 8GB Ballistix Elite DDR3 1866MHz, GeForce GTX 750 Ti, Kühler H2O 650, Chieftec 600W


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Vs: The Humble Indie Bundle 6
« Vastaus #70 : 25.09.12 - klo:22.39 »
Uusi peli keskivertoa enemmän maksaville:
In this RPG-infused block breaker by Tribute Games, take on the role of Cyrus, a wizard well-versed in the secret magic art known as Wizorb. Prepare to engage in an epic brick-shattering quest to save the Kingdom of Gorudo. Wizorb features beautiful retro graphics and a charming score in over 60 levels set over 5 worlds.

Edellisistä bundleista tutut BIT.TRIP RUNNER, Gratuitous Space Battles ja Jamestown on nyt myös lisätty tähän bundleen.
« Viimeksi muokattu: 15.11.12 - klo:22.13 kirjoittanut RamiSelin »
Ubuntu 14.04, Ivy Bridge-E Core i7-4820K, GA-X79-UD3, Crucial 8GB Ballistix Elite DDR3 1866MHz, GeForce GTX 750 Ti, Kühler H2O 650, Chieftec 600W


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The Humble Bundle for Android 4
« Vastaus #71 : 08.11.12 - klo:20.57 »
The Humble Bundle for Android 4
Androidisteille ja muille pelikivaa tarjolla. Itselleni bundle tuli juuri sopivaan aikaan, sillä ostin eilen Nexus 7:n.

Resequence, mutate, and splice in this experimental microbial puzzler by Cipher Prime. Available for the first time on Android, Splice will strain your brain while you commence cellular alteration to connect and complete a sequence of puzzles, all to a fantastic and compelling score.
For the best Splice experience, Cipher Prime recommends a device with a screen size of five inches or larger.

Take to space, conquer asteroids, and grow an organic army of seedlings in this elegant and unique real-time strategy game by Omni Systems. Featuring themes of plant growth and bio mechanical evolution, Eufloria uses beautiful visuals and an amazing ambient soundtrack to create an experience unlike any other.

Waking Mars
When a mission of first contact doesn't go as expected, astrobiologist Liang is trapped underneath the surface of Mars. With the help of his trusty jetpack and his allies on the surface, you must help Liang discover the secret ecosystem underground and bring a sleeping planet to life. Waking Mars developers Tiger Style describe the gameplay as "action gardening" where the player controls how the ecosystem of Mars develops, making for a unique environment dictated by the player's actions.
Waking Mars has been nominated for Best Mobile Game and Excellence in Audio in 2012 Independent Game Festival, and is debuting for Windows, Mac, Linux, and Android.

Crayon Physics Deluxe
Crayon Physics Deluxe is a physics-based puzzle game that won the Seumas McNally Grand Prize at the 2008 Independent Games Festival. In Crayon Physics Deluxe, your doodles and drawings transform into objects you can use to push, pull, slide, shield, and catapult the ball towards the goal in more than 70 distinct levels. This unique puzzler is available for the first time on Android.

Superbrothers: Sword & Sworcery EP (Android beta!)
Superbrothers: Sword & Sworcery EP — which is seeing its Android debut right here with us — delivers a completely fresh adventure gaming experience, defying conventions to develop a unique kind of storytelling. The plot is unveiled in "sessions," each of which involves traversing a mythical realm, using your sword to battle and evoking sworcery to solve puzzles. Every scene overflows with rich graphic and auditory detail, featuring distinctive artwork by Superbrothers Inc. and music and sound design by Jim Guthrie.

Avokätisimmille mukaan myös
In the point-and-click adventure game Machinarium, players guide a heroic little robot on his quest to save his friends from a trio of bullies in a dilapidated machine city. Machinarium won the Independent Games Festival (IGF) Excellence in Visual Art Award in 2009 for its incredibly detailed environments and the unique personalities of the many characters inhabiting the city.
Ubuntu 14.04, Ivy Bridge-E Core i7-4820K, GA-X79-UD3, Crucial 8GB Ballistix Elite DDR3 1866MHz, GeForce GTX 750 Ti, Kühler H2O 650, Chieftec 600W


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Vs: The Humble Bundle for Android 4
« Vastaus #72 : 15.11.12 - klo:22.12 »
Aiemmista bundleista tutut Avadon, Canabalt, Cogs, Sword & Soldiers HD ja Zen Bound 2 paketoitiin mukaan.
Ubuntu 14.04, Ivy Bridge-E Core i7-4820K, GA-X79-UD3, Crucial 8GB Ballistix Elite DDR3 1866MHz, GeForce GTX 750 Ti, Kühler H2O 650, Chieftec 600W


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The Humble Indie Bundle 7
« Vastaus #73 : 19.12.12 - klo:22.18 »
The Humble Indie Bundle 7
Joulu tuli aikaisin pelien ja elokuvien ystäville.

In this creative and colorful side-scrolling puzzler by Retro Affect, guide Pic, a robot lost in an abandoned world and armed with a very unique device: his camera! With this amazing tool, Pic can take snapshots of elements on each level and then re-add them elsewhere, creating a highly imaginative puzzle-solving experience. Fireball coming your way? Take a snapshot to capture the fireball, rotate the picture and paste the fireball in a different direction to knock over a pile of boxes in your way! So focus your lens and get ready to follow Pic through over 100 levels of platforming and puzzling!

The Binding of Isaac + Wrath of the Lamb DLC
Fight your fears with tears in this top-down action RPG shooter with heavy rogue-like elements. The Binding of Isaac is a gift from the twisted mind of Edmund McMillen (co-creator of Super Meat Boy), bringing players a delicious brew of Legend of Zelda-esque dungeons, Robotron-esque run-and-gun, and action-RPG progression. This awesome package also comes with Isaac’s DLC pack, Wrath of the Lamb, which adds new rooms, items, bosses, music, and more!

In the dark and mysterious world of Closure, only what you see exists. Manipulate lights to phase objects in and out of reality in this platform puzzler. Play as a strange spider-like demon who explores the stories of three human characters through beautiful, eerie environments such as a decrepit factory, a murky forest, an abandoned carnival, and the strange, surreal realm that connects them together.
This fantastic puzzler has won multiple awards, including Innovation Award at Indiecade, Excellence in Audio at the 2010 Independent Games Festival, and Grand Prize Winner at the 2012 Indie Game Challenge.

Indie Game: The Movie
Indie Game: The Movie is a fantastic feature-length documentary about making video games. It specifically focuses on Edmund McMillen and Tommy Refenes during the development of Super Meat Boy, Phil Fish while he develops Fez, and Jonathan Blow and his acclaimed indie title, Braid.
Indie Game: The Movie is the winner of the World Cinema Documentary Editing Award from the 2012 Sundance Film Festival.
This film is available for download in 720p and 1080p and includes subtitle files for various languages. Streaming options are also available in various resolutions.

Shank 2
Ex-mob hit man Shank is back in Shank 2, the fantastic sequel to the beloved original 2D side-scrolling brawler. When those closest to Shank are under attack, get ready to bust out your handguns, shotguns, automatic weapons, chainsaws, machetes, grenades, and more to bring the hurt against those responsible. Shank 2 features a new combat system and retains its amazing comic book-style visuals, guaranteeing the ultimate slugfest.

Runsaammin maksaville lisäksi
Dungeon Defenders + DLC
Dungeon Defenders is a combination action RPG/tower defense game that lets you (and 3 other friends!) take on the role of four different hero classes and fend off an invasion of baddies. Strategically place various defenses and traps throughout the battlefield and then dive into the action yourself. Dungeon Defenders features a ton of loot, customization, and upgrades, and comes with a gigantic horde of DLC!

Legend of Grimrock
Old school and modern gaming combines in this thrilling dungeon crawler RPG from Almost Human Games. A group of prisoners are sentenced to certain death by exile to the secluded Mount Grimrock for vile crimes they may or may not have committed. Unbeknownst to their captors, the mountain is riddled with ancient tunnels, dungeons, and tombs built by crumbled civilizations long perished now. If they ever wish to see daylight again and reclaim their freedom, the ragtag group of prisoners must form a team and descend through the mountain, level by level.
Ubuntu 14.04, Ivy Bridge-E Core i7-4820K, GA-X79-UD3, Crucial 8GB Ballistix Elite DDR3 1866MHz, GeForce GTX 750 Ti, Kühler H2O 650, Chieftec 600W


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Vs: The Humble Indie Bundle 7
« Vastaus #74 : 28.12.12 - klo:01.04 »
Jos pelit tuli jo pelattu, niin nyt tuli kolme uutta peliä.
The Basement Collection
The Basement Collection features a compilation of Flash games from the unique mind of Edmund McMillen (Super Meat Boy, Binding of Isaac). This compendium includes Triachnid, Coil, the original Meat Boy, Aether, Grey-Matter, Spewer, Time Fcuk, and a huge amount of unlockable content and extras!

Offspring Fling
Offspring Fling is a game about a poor forest creature that has misplaced all of her children. She'll have to fight her way through over 100 levels of action puzzle platforming to get them all back home. There's danger around every corner, but she won't rest until her family is safe again. Offspring Fling also comes with a level editor for infinite possibilities!

Cave Story+
Cave Story is the critically acclaimed opus by indie game developer Pixel, originally created as a tribute to games like Metroid and Castlevania. Cave Story is a 2D platformer in the "metroidvania" tradition, with a classic, world-saving hero and an emphasis on exploration and discovery. The indie studio Nicalis worked with Pixel to update graphics and add new game modes, reflected in this edition of Cave Story.
« Viimeksi muokattu: 28.12.12 - klo:01.20 kirjoittanut RamiSelin »
Ubuntu 14.04, Ivy Bridge-E Core i7-4820K, GA-X79-UD3, Crucial 8GB Ballistix Elite DDR3 1866MHz, GeForce GTX 750 Ti, Kühler H2O 650, Chieftec 600W


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  • Viestejä: 95
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Vs: The Humble Indie Bundle 7
« Vastaus #75 : 21.02.13 - klo:16.17 »
The Humble Bundle Mojam 2
Vuosittaisen Mojamin aika on tullut. 78 tuntia ja kuusi pelitaloa kehittävät kahdeksan peliä lauantaiksi. Tuotto menee täysin hyväntekeväisyyteen. Pelien valmistumista voi seurata livenä sivustolta.

Mukana ovat:
Ubuntu 14.04, Ivy Bridge-E Core i7-4820K, GA-X79-UD3, Crucial 8GB Ballistix Elite DDR3 1866MHz, GeForce GTX 750 Ti, Kühler H2O 650, Chieftec 600W


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The Humble Bundle with Android 5
« Vastaus #76 : 05.03.13 - klo:22.17 »
The Humble Bundle with Android 5
Pelattavaa taas kansalle.

Beat Hazard Ultra
Beat Hazard Ultra is an arcade shooter powered by music — just choose any song from the game or from your music collection to fuel your gameplay. Maneuver your ship as enemies come hurtling from every imaginable direction. Blow them up and watch as bright colors splash across your screen.

Dynamite Jack
Armed with nothing but a flashlight and an unlimited supply of bombs, you’ll need to escape the Anathema Mines in Dynamite Jack. This 2-D action-adventure game is explosive, to say the least. Avoid guards and scientists and stay away from the monsters as you plant bombs, detonate them, and blow up everything in your path.

Solar 2
Making its Android debut right here with us (tablet recommended), start off as an asteroid and merge with other asteroids to grow into a planet and beyond. In an open world with no linear gameplay, you can build a solar system, wage war against other planets, or wreak absolute havoc as a black hole. And if you’re done exploring the universe, there are missions to test your planetary-building skills.
Solar 2 has earned a list of accolades including being an Indiecade Festival 2011 finalist and the winner in the Freeplay Awards for Best Audio.

NightSky HD
Nightsky is a physics puzzle game set in 10 mysterious worlds of silhouettes and soothing music. Reverse gravity and explore landscapes filled with tentacle-waving grass, spinning gears, and pinball flippers as you guide your ball. Now roll on.

Maksa enemmän ja saat myös:
Dungeon Defenders + DLC
Defend the Eternia Crystals in your tower alone as one of four hero classes, or team up with other players to beat ogres to a pulp in the action RPG Dungeon Defenders. With an arsenal of traps and defenses at your disposal, you’ll get a little help, but you’ll also need to suit up and dive into the action yourself.
For Android devices, you’ll receive Dungeon Defenders: Second Wave.

Super Hexagon
Super Hexagon is a minimal action game by Terry Cavanagh (creator of VVVVVV) — guide your triangle around a rotating hexagon and avoid the incoming lines. In this deceptively simple game, you’ll have to deal with a spinning screen and rapidly changing colors synced to brain-pumping music.
Super Hexagon is an Independent Games Festival 2013 finalist for excellence in design.
Ubuntu 14.04, Ivy Bridge-E Core i7-4820K, GA-X79-UD3, Crucial 8GB Ballistix Elite DDR3 1866MHz, GeForce GTX 750 Ti, Kühler H2O 650, Chieftec 600W


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The Humble Mobile Bundle
« Vastaus #77 : 26.03.13 - klo:20.51 »
The Humble Mobile Bundle
Nyt ei pelata Linuxilla, Windowsilla tai Macilla, koska pelejä on tarjolla vain Androidille.

Contre Jour
In this beautiful and charming physics-based puzzler, control the environment and guide your one-eyed friend, Petit, as he collects lights in each level. Set in black and white, it’s hard not to be enchanted by this artistic masterpiece.

Anomaly Korea
Anomaly Korea (sequel to Anomaly Warzone Earth) is a top-down reverse tower defense strategy game where you’re the invader. As the offense, you’ll need to plan a strategic route to guide your military vehicles through the alien-infested streets of Korea. Use your resources and money wisely, and you’ll emerge unscathed.

Plants vs. Zombies
Plants vs. Zombies puts a clever spin on tower defense action games where you’ll need to defend your house from throngs of brain-hungry zombies. With a garden full of cute and kooky plants, fighting off scuba diving undead and a bobsled team of zombies has never been more fun. You’ll be coming back to this game over and over again with 50 adventure levels, puzzle and survival modes, and a load of mini games!

Step into the techno-Wild West in this third person action brawler by Kerosene Games. Play as William Glaston, a cowboy who returns to his hometown of Hammer’s Peak only to discover that evil’s corruption permeates every alley. With intuitive touch controls and a gun with a huge blade on the end, you’ll be dodging, slashing, and shooting with finesse in no time. Bladeslinger also includes an awesome arena mode, perfect for the bloodthirsty who want to get cash and slash through droves of baddies.

Kuvetta kaivamalla saat myös
Metal Slug 3
The beloved arcade classic Metal Slug 3 is a side-scrolling shooter brought to mobile devices. With five unique levels to fight your way through, you’ll encounter hordes of zombies, UFOs, and other unworldly creatures. Aside from your trusty weapon, slug vehicles provide a boost in shooting power, so you can annihilate the enemy.

The Room
In this beautiful 3D puzzler, you’re stuck in a room with nothing but a safe. You’ll need to use all your wits to crack it open and reveal the secrets within. Utilizing an ethereal eyepiece to see beyond the physical world to discover answers beyond, this mysterious puzzler will keep you intrigued to the very end.
Ubuntu 14.04, Ivy Bridge-E Core i7-4820K, GA-X79-UD3, Crucial 8GB Ballistix Elite DDR3 1866MHz, GeForce GTX 750 Ti, Kühler H2O 650, Chieftec 600W


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Vs: The Humble Mobile Bundle
« Vastaus #78 : 03.04.13 - klo:22.08 »
Mobiiliin lisää pelejä

Funky Smugglers
Funky Smugglers is the hippest arcade game you’ll ever play. Take on the role of airport security, confiscating scissors, grenades, and spiders. But don’t take away that rubber duck from granny! With its 70’s music and afro-sporting characters, Funky Smugglers is a groovy fast-paced game that’s easy to pick up whenever you have a few minutes.

Raiden Legacy
Raiden Legacy includes 4 games: Raiden, Raiden Fighters, Raiden Fighters 2, and Raiden Fighters Jet. Despite the straightforward shooting action, this game will have you frantically dodging enemy fire as you fight to stay alive. Power ups, different ships, and a variety of distinct enemy aircraft keep the game interesting and action-packed across all four titles.

Another World
Originally released in 1991, Another World is a cult classic. In this cinematic action-adventure platformer, you’ll play a scientist who’s been transported to another world and captured by strange creatures. You’ll need to find your way out through trial and error in this unforgiving game that will test your logic and reflexes.

EI sovi unohtaa myöskään viikoittaista The Humble Weekly Bundlea. Tällä viikolla  Red Orchestra (Windows-käyttäjille myös pelin jatko-osa) ja Killing Floor.
Ubuntu 14.04, Ivy Bridge-E Core i7-4820K, GA-X79-UD3, Crucial 8GB Ballistix Elite DDR3 1866MHz, GeForce GTX 750 Ti, Kühler H2O 650, Chieftec 600W


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The Humble Double Fine Bundle
« Vastaus #79 : 07.05.13 - klo:22.25 »
The Humble Double Fine Bundle
Nyt on aika pistää maatuskat rokkaamaan ja kerjätä karkkia.

Costume Quest
Costume Quest is an adorable adventure RPG that allows you to trick-or-treat without warranting skeptical stares from those who may notice you aren't in middle school. Whack bushes for candy, don an array of costumes that have different superpowers, and battle monsters to save your helpless sibling.
Costume Quest includes the original game and the Grubbins on Ice DLC pack.

The acclaimed action-platformer Psychonauts bears all the marks of a mad Tim Schafer/Double Fine creation: a zany premise, standout characters, and fun-above-all gameplay. In Psychonauts, you play as Raz, a psychically gifted kid at a summer camp-slash-training facility for mentalist super agents. When the camp falls to a dastardly deception, it's up to Raz to traverse through the minds of various camp characters to save himself and his friends.

Set in a Victorian era and narrated like a silent movie, Stacking is an eccentric and intriguing adventure-puzzle game about nesting dolls that have special abilities. Although you're the smallest doll, Charlie Blackmore, you can sneak up behind larger dolls and jump into them for new powers. Each puzzle has multiple solutions, allowing for a range of ingenuity.
Stacking includes the original game and the expansion, The Lost Hobo King.

Maksa keskivertoa enemmän ja saat myös
Brütal Legend
In Brütal Legend, play as roadie Eddie Riggs (Jack Black) as you rock on and lead a band of head-banging minions to defeat some nasty-looking demons. Featuring a cast of characters voiced and inspired by heavy metal musicians including Lemmy Kilmister, Ozzy Osbourne, and Lita Ford, the game delightfully emanates of heavy metal. Get ready to have long, luscious locks, larger-than-your head biceps, and a freakin' awesome electric guitar that magically summons lightning. And if walking is too slow for you, you've got a sweet ride to traverse the terrain quickly and plow through nuns and urchins and stuff.

Kaikki pelit on lunastettavissa Steamista Linuxille.
« Viimeksi muokattu: 07.05.13 - klo:22.33 kirjoittanut RamiSelin »
Ubuntu 14.04, Ivy Bridge-E Core i7-4820K, GA-X79-UD3, Crucial 8GB Ballistix Elite DDR3 1866MHz, GeForce GTX 750 Ti, Kühler H2O 650, Chieftec 600W