tuolla toisaalla oli juttua, että
ubuntu 8.10 +( intel 82815 ?)+ resoluutio = BUGi
"It is already reported as a bug (#294202).
William Grant
Ubuntu Developer"
(niin ainakin käsitin)
tossa linkki:
http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=971491muuten (samasta paikasta), hyvä kommentti :
"I think I agree with you on the automation bit. I think we try to be too clever, attempting to identify the users graphics capabilities automatically. This seems to fail across quite a few installations.
Using windows as an example - it, in the end, lets the user configure to what he wants through a straightforward display setup. It does not restrict the user to any great degree.
Why we do not have a utility that lets us set screen resolution etc I do not know. It is a cause of a significant number of problems in these forums."