Kirjoittaja Aihe: Linux Hater's Blog  (Luettu 8525 kertaa)


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Linux Hater's Blog
« : 12.06.08 - klo:22.54 »

Hehhe, ei noita juttuja voi lukea nauramatta :D

Tässä pohjalle ohje kuinka Gnome ohjelma syntyy
How to write a Gnome Application

By popular demand, a guide to writing a Gnome app:

    * Find some reasonable app from another platform (Windows, Mac, KDE, whatever, but preferably, Mac). Bonus points if there are already 3 other gtk-based alternatives who don't want to integrate with Gnome.
    * You MUST have a g somewhere in the gname. Extra credit if you can make it a "gn". If you can use "gnu" or "gno" or "gna" you're are gnawesome, and your app is already worth using. Make sure the name of your app bears no relevance to what it actually does. Also, NEVER document if the g is pronounced with the hard-g sound.
    * Use at least two object frameworks. Three is even better. I mean the "O" in Gnome stands for object, after all. Take your pick from Corba/Orbit/Bonobo/D-bus. Make sure at least one of them works over the network, but make sure your app never actually uses it over the network.
    * Remind yourself that OO in C is not so bad. assert(gtk_no_really_its_not_so_bad). Also, remind yourself that GTK+ is way better than Qt because it has no commercial company writing code for it. So, you know, it's more free, or something, and it's got a + in the name.
    * Generate wrappers for every conceivable language, but make sure none of them work exactly how you want. Inisist that your distros package each wrapper in a separate package.
    * Explain to at least three other programmers how glib doesn't really have much to do with gnome. Because they care.
    * Don't forget a Tango Icon!
    * Make sure your app builds on windows, but looks like ASS.
    * Enumerate all the features you want your app to have.
    * Cut 90% of them. Because they're hard to do. But tell everyone that they don't actually need that feature.
    * Implement 2% of them. Hide the other 8% in gconf. Hide them well.
    * Your interface must not have more than 4 buttons.
    * Make sure it depends on at least four other libraries with g's in their name. That raises your apps' gnomyness
    * Don't use Mono, because you are spreading your STD's to everyone. No, wait, use Mono, because it will make you way insanely more productive. Wait, no, don't use Mono, because if you do, some freetard distro that nobody uses won't distribute your app.
    * Depend on a module that is "heading toward planned deprecation" so that it will now be "at the end of the Obama presidency we will almost have consensus of heading toward a planned deprecation over 20 years."
    * Ressure yourself that even if your app sucks, at least it follows the HIG.

And btw, I know y'all are using adblock to avoid my fucking ads ok? (or subscribing to my feed because I can't fucking figure out how to put ads on that damn thing) At least digg me, you cheap bastards.

Älä ota sitä vakavasti ;)


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Vs: Linux Hater's Blog
« Vastaus #1 : 12.06.08 - klo:23.09 »
Juu taitaa tuo edellä mainittu olla puoliksi totta... :D

Jaa...senkös takia se Torvalds tykkää niin paljon KDE:stä... :-\
No mitenkäs tämä (ps. en vielä lukenut sitä):

Automaattinen allekirjoitus:
Lisäisitkö [RATKAISTU] ketjun ensimmäisen viestin aiheeseen ongelman ratkettua, kiitos.


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« Vastaus #2 : 12.06.08 - klo:23.12 »

No mitenkäs tämä (ps. en vielä lukenut sitä):
Aika hauska toikin :D On noissa jotain perääkin


The number of moving parts in Linux's audio stack is just plain inexcusable. OSS, ALSA, dmix, esd, arts, pulseaudio, jack, nas. On top of that you have libraries that that can talk to one or many of these systems: libaio, libasound, phonon, gstreamer. And why have KDE and Gnome for the past 10 years not been able to agree on how to play sound, or configure sound? Linux is about choice right? What if I choose something other than KDE or Gnome? do I lose? Is my only choice to have someone earfuck me so hard that I go deaf and I don't have to worry about it anymore? Maybe what they meant to say is Linux is only ready for my grandma, because she can't hear anything anyway?
  :D :D :D
« Viimeksi muokattu: 12.06.08 - klo:23.15 kirjoittanut Owdy »


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« Vastaus #3 : 13.06.08 - klo:01.26 »

Toni Alenius

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« Vastaus #4 : 13.06.08 - klo:01.27 »
Heh, KDE:tä dissataan huomattavasti vähemmän.

   1. Find semi-successful open source app
   2. Convince yourself that writing C++ is the ultimate form of masturbation, and that learning Qt is better than spending time with your girlfriend, because it's so beautiful
   3. Remind yourself why MOC doesn't suck.
   4. Take the name of the app, sed /[cg]/k/, check that you didn't end up with three k's in a row. If there are no k's, stick a k on the front.   ;D ;D ;D
   5. Think of every user-facing function your app could provide
   6. Foreach function: create an abstraction layer that supports at least 3 other backends poorly
   7. Foreach function: create toolbar button
   8. Foreach function: create menu item
   9. Make sure it has split windows and tabbing and support for KParts. If you can't figure out a UI, just mimic a Windows one.   ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
  10. Make sure it uses Phonon, and KAddressBook. And a dockable Terminal.
  11. NEVER use a library with a g in the name. EVER. <! harvinaisen samaa mieltä>
  12. Publish on
  13. Promise everyone that you're going to port to Windows, then don't
  14. Once every few years, use your toolkit rev'ing as an excuse to start over from scratch.
« Viimeksi muokattu: 13.06.08 - klo:01.30 kirjoittanut Toni Alenius »
Ubuntu 24.04.01 LTS
16 GB DDR3
Intel® Core™ i5 CPU 760 @ 2.80GHz × 4
GeForce GT 730 2GB
2x480 GB SSD


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« Vastaus #5 : 13.06.08 - klo:07.35 »
Open Source Branding

What kind of name is PCLinuxOS anyways?

What if Trojan came out with PenisWrappingLatex?

Or Coca-Cola with CornSyrupFizzyDrink.

I guess it's better than open source projects who pick names that totally obscure their function. But not by much.


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« Vastaus #6 : 13.06.08 - klo:09.59 »
Heh, KDE:tä dissataan huomattavasti vähemmän.

Niin, taitavat Vistakäyttäjät tuntea olonsa kotoisammaksi KDE- puolella:)

Itsekkin tätä KDE4- Kubuntulla kirjoitan. Vähän hidas boottaamaan, ja en kyllä tätä osaa muokata kuten Gnomea. Nyt eletään niitä aikoja, että pidänkö tämän vaiko vaihdan tilalle Fedoran, Zenwalkin tai sitten Distrowatch- kokeilun...



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« Vastaus #7 : 07.07.08 - klo:17.55 »
You hate Ubuntu

The results are in. The most hated community Linux distribution is.... Ubuntu! Yay! Hurray!

The final results were:

   1. Ubuntu: 27%
   2. Gentoo: 25%
   3. Fedora: 12%
   4. OpenSUSE: 10%
   5. Debian: 9%
   6. PCLinuxOS: 7%
   7. Slackware: 7%



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Vs: Linux Hater's Blog
« Vastaus #8 : 07.07.08 - klo:19.59 »
Rakastetuin ja vihatuin... ::)
Automaattinen allekirjoitus:
Lisäisitkö [RATKAISTU] ketjun ensimmäisen viestin aiheeseen ongelman ratkettua, kiitos.


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« Vastaus #9 : 07.07.08 - klo:20.28 »
Mulla oli ainakin tosi hauskaa tuota lukiessani. Onkohan nuo nyt aivan tosissaan vai viiraa...?


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« Vastaus #10 : 07.07.08 - klo:20.46 »
Kaikenlaista se maailma päällään  kantaa. No ei parane haukkua ennen kuin luen noita juttuja vähän tarkemmin.  :)
ad augusta per angusta


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« Vastaus #11 : 07.07.08 - klo:22.18 »
Lisää tämmöisiä mielenkiintoisia plokeja. Tätähän lukee ihan mielellään.


vois noita 'ei virallisia' blogeja sisältävän ketjun perustaa. Tulee muuten luettua liikaa tyyliin security. Huumoria lisää maailmaan.
« Viimeksi muokattu: 07.07.08 - klo:22.22 kirjoittanut Paznak »


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« Vastaus #12 : 08.07.08 - klo:09.52 »
Fuck. There are so many distros that it's even hard to choose which one to hate.
;D joo, näin on ;)
Lisää [ratkaistu] ketjun ensimmäisen viestin otsikkoon, kun ongelma ratkeaa!


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« Vastaus #13 : 08.07.08 - klo:11.45 »
Aika paljon nämä valinnat ovat fiilis-pohjaisia. Jos tälle Suse-fanboylle neuvoisi miten distrostaan saa suositumman, niin yksi asia olisi uuden nimen etsiminen. Suse tuo minulle mieleen vauvanruokapaketin ja potkuhousut.


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« Vastaus #14 : 08.07.08 - klo:18.50 »
Aika paljon nämä valinnat ovat fiilis-pohjaisia. Jos tälle Suse-fanboylle neuvoisi miten distrostaan saa suositumman, niin yksi asia olisi uuden nimen etsiminen. Suse tuo minulle mieleen vauvanruokapaketin ja potkuhousut.
Jahans, ensimmäinen tiukkapipokin löysi triidin
Eiköhän tossa mollata ihan kaikkia distroja tasapuolisesti, joten voit hengittää ihan rauhassa.  8)


  • Vieras
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« Vastaus #15 : 08.07.08 - klo:18.55 »
Jahans, ensimmäinen tiukkapipokin löysi triidin
Eiköhän tossa mollata ihan kaikkia distroja tasapuolisesti, joten voit hengittää ihan rauhassa.  8)

En usko että tässä mistään tiukkapipoisuudesta on kysymys. Vai oletko sinä se tiukkapipo?


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« Vastaus #16 : 08.07.08 - klo:19.00 »
Vai oletko sinä se tiukkapipo?
Juu olen O0


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« Vastaus #17 : 08.07.08 - klo:21.44 »
Siis kaveri tietääkin jotain asioista ja hänen tekstinsä on hurjan hauska! Todella viihdyttävää! Respect!  8)


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« Vastaus #18 : 08.07.08 - klo:22.49 »
ei ihme ettei tykkä  ;D Siis no joo...  :D ei ku oikeesti  :D


Steve said...

    Hey, fantastic blog! I hate linux as much as you do, but I feel a bit alone in this. I use Live search, but all my friends use Google :-( I had to break up with my girlfriend, as she wants to see movies, of which I happen to know the effects are rendered on linux machines. But worst of all, I feel betrayed by you as well as you seem to run your blog on linux software:
    June 12, 2008 12:59 PM

What the...  :o :o :D

Alex said...

    I've been using Linux for 18 years now, and I can complete all those blanks for my last several upgrades, all on relatively common Lenovo X60.

    With Hardy, I'm actually one of those tooljobs who walks around awkwardly with an open laptop because Ubuntu won't bring back my display if I close the lid. WTF?!

    At this point I have so little energy to fix this shit, I just spend time learning all the new bugs in the new release and hoping they'll get fixed in the next. It's like being in a poorly-managed communist country, hoping impotently that the price of bread goes down this week.

    Btw, recommending a reinstall of the OS is what we used to make fun of Window lusers for having to do.
    June 12, 2008 9:55 AM

Toni Alenius

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« Vastaus #19 : 09.07.08 - klo:00.25 »
What the...  :o :o :D

Alex said...

    I've been using Linux for 18 years now, and I can complete all those blanks for my last several upgrades, all on relatively common Lenovo X60.

    With Hardy, I'm actually one of those tooljobs who walks around awkwardly with an open laptop because Ubuntu won't bring back my display if I close the lid. WTF?!

    At this point I have so little energy to fix this shit, I just spend time learning all the new bugs in the new release and hoping they'll get fixed in the next. It's like being in a poorly-managed communist country, hoping impotently that the price of bread goes down this week.

    Btw, recommending a reinstall of the OS is what we used to make fun of Window lusers for having to do.
    June 12, 2008 9:55 AM

    I've been using Linux for 18 years now, and I can complete all those blanks for my last several upgrades, all on relatively common Lenovo X60.
wtf indeed
Ubuntu 24.04.01 LTS
16 GB DDR3
Intel® Core™ i5 CPU 760 @ 2.80GHz × 4
GeForce GT 730 2GB
2x480 GB SSD