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Olen Linuxin kanssa täysi aloittelija. Ongelmana on miten tehdä semmoinen scripti? jolla DMA asetus otetaan käyttöön aina kun kone käynnistetään.? Ja minne se sitten laitetaan ja miten tehdään?
Tässä Xine media soittimen listaus ongelmasta xine-checkillä katsottuna:
DMA is disabled for your DVD interface.
This will probably result in a serious performance hit when
playing DVDs. You can issue the command
hdparm -d1 /dev/hdc
as root to enable DMA. It would be wise to add this command to
some script that is executed executed at boot time.
Note that you probably have to set the DMA mode for your drive as well.
Most DVD-ROMs work fine with multiword DMA mode 2. You can use
hdparm -d1 -X34 /dev/hdc
(as root again) to set this mode. Maybe UDMA2 will give you even better
performance, but it only works well with some controllers. You'll
probably need UDMA capable IDE cables for this mode. If you want
to try: make backups of your important data and type (as root again)
hdparm -d1 -X66 /dev/hdc
If your System still works fine after this, you probably want to keep
these settings (add them to some boot script).
If your system hangs or behaves very strangely after a few minutes, you
should reboot immediately and never use this setting again on this
machine. Good luck ;-)Toivottavasti tämä selvensi ongelmaa
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