--------------------------------------- Jahshaka Configure Script User Commands --------------------------------------- SYNOPSIS ./configure [ switches ] ./configure [ switches ] jahshaka ./configure [ switches ] jahplayer DESCRIPTION Configures the jahshaka build process to build either jahshaka or jahplayer By default running configure with no arguments will activate the build for jahshaka You need to follow the configure command with the make command in order to actually build the software! SWITCHES --prefix=path sets the path for the installation (default: /usr/local) --disable-debug sets debug mode off --disable-plugins disables the plugin build and install --enable-static disables the dynamic loading of various open libraries
configure: 57: qmake: not found
Sources configured.
Building sources...
make: *** Kohteita ei ole annettu, eikä makefileä löytynyt. Seis.
Error during sources build. Installation aborted!
Tuossa oli pätkä installtionia käyttäen Komplie ohjelmaa.
Mikäköhän on vikana, kyllä minulla on build-essentialkin asennettuna.