Kirjoittaja Aihe: Mitä tapahtuu juuri nyt - Developer Week  (Luettu 2009 kertaa)

Asmo Koskinen

  • Käyttäjä
  • Viestejä: 4443
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Mitä tapahtuu juuri nyt - Developer Week
« : 12.02.08 - klo:12.56 »

"Hello everybody,

Welcome everybody! I’m very very pleased to announce the first ever
Ubuntu Developer Week [1]. What this means? We’ll have one week full of
action-packed IRC sessions where you can:

    * learn about different packaging techniques
    * find out more about different development teams
    * check out the efforts of the world-wide Development Community
    * participate in open Q&A sessions with Ubuntu developers
    * and much much more…

I’m absolutely excited to have such a diverse programme and thrilled we
have so many excellent speakers in the first ever Ubuntu Developer Week.
All your favourite Ubuntu developers will be there who will introduce
you to lots of parts of Ubuntu development including packaging,
virtualisation, desktop application testing, development processes,
collaboration techniques and lots lots more. This is the perfect time to
get started, get up and running and in touch with future team members.  :-)

So, what are you waiting for? Go and see the session details [2] and
then see how to attend [3]. I look forward to seeing you all there at
Ubuntu Open Week. Oh, and lets spread the word!


Have a nice day,

Ystävällisin terveisin Asmo Koskinen.