Celeron-pohjaisissa vanhemmissa malleissa pitäisi siis suurinpiirtein kaikki nappulat toimia suoralta kädeltä. [lukemani perusteella... ei omakohtaista kokemusta] Lisää Eeeuser.comin wikistä.
Tuossa Ubuntu eee-versiossa on pahoja pukeja edelleen...
"Known bugs
* Installer uses ext3 instead of ext2
* Swappiness isn't reduced
* fstab changes are not included in this release
* GRUB shouldn't wait for 3 sec before loading Linux
* Ubuntu logos are used everywhere rather than Ubuntu Eee logos
* Icons should be reduced to 67%
* Wifi doesn't always work after resume from suspend
* Unsure if it fits on an Asus Eee 2GB version (Ubuntu Eee consumes about 2.1GB)
* Won't turn the machine all the way off
* Windows are still vertically constrained
* Hotkey functionality is limited (No Volume Fn keys, Wireless Fn Keys)
* No on-screen display for screen brightness indication
* Volume setting sticks at 100% (bug 244059)"
Äänet, Fn-näppäimet, Wifi...
Minulle Xandros/Ubuntu LTSP on paras vaihtoehto edelleen.
Ystävällisin terveisin Asmo Koskinen.