Tietääkö kukaan onko tuosta otsikon mukaisesta ohjelmasta vastaavaa ohjelmaa linuxille? Winellä tietysti voisi kokeilla, mutta...
The Rasterbator enables to create large rasterized posters from your digital images, using a regular size printer. Unlike other programs that try to
produce a high quality enlargement, this program creates images made up of visible dots (rasterized), which are designed to appear smooth
from a distance (but may not look as great from up-close). This technique allows you to create very large posters, even from lower resolution
images. The Rasterbator supports standard paper sizes, as well as custom dimension, and you can adjust the size of the dots to
accommodate the desired poster size. The program can create monochrome or multicolor posters and save them as multi-page PDF file,
which you can then print and assemble with glue and scissors.