Käytännössä kaikki paitsi DRM-suojatut videot saa kyllä näkymään Ubuntussa, joidenkin tiedostomuotojen kohdalla täytyy kuitenkin tehdä vähän käsityötä ohjelmistopatenttien takia. Oletko tutustunut Ubuntu tutuksi -wikikirjaan?
Olen kyllä lukenut, mutta saattaa olla että pitäisi vieläkin lukea, jos sieltä kuitenkin löytyisi ongelmaan ratkaisu.
Kävin juuri katsomassa omia multimedioita ja löytyy RealPlayer 10, MPlayer Movie Player, Movie Player ja KMPlayer uusimpana.
RealPlayerilla olen jotenkin saanut luontoillan kuulumaan, mutta vain työpöydälle kopioituna tiedostona. Netistä suoraan ei ole onnistunut.
Laitoin Synapticiin hakusanaksi MPlayer ja tällaisia on asennettu:
1) "media player for KDE
A basic audio/video viewer application for KDE.
KMPlayer can:
* play DVD (DVDNav only with the Xine player)
* play VCD
* let the backend players play from a pipe (read from stdin)
* play from a TV device (experimental)
* show backend player's console output
* launch ffserver (only 0.4.8 works) when viewing from a v4l device
* DCOP KMediaPlayer interface support
* VDR viewer frontend (with *kxvplayer), configure VDR keys with standard KDE
shortcut configure window
* Lots of configurable shortcuts. Highly recommended for the VDR keys
(if you have VDR) and volume increase/decrease".
2) "Base files for KMPlayer
Core files needed for KMPlayer".
3) "Handbook for KMPlayer
Documention for KMPlayer, a basic audio/video viewer application for KDE".
4) "KMPlayer plugin for KHTML/Konqueror
This plugin enables audio/video playback inside Konqueror, such as
movie trailers, web tv or radio.
The KMPlayer KPart plugin for Konqueror mimics QuickTime, MS Media Player and
RealPlayer plugin browser plugins."
5) "The Ultimate Movie Player For Linux
It plays most mpeg, avi and asf files, supported by many native and win32
DLL codecs. You can watch VCD, DVD and even DivX movies too. The other
big feature of mplayer is the wide range of supported output drivers. It
works with X11, Xv, DGA, OpenGL, SVGAlib, fbdev, but you can use SDL (and
this way all drivers of SDL) and some lowlevel card-specific drivers (for
Matrox/3dfx/SiS) too! Most of them supports software or hardware scaling,
so you can enjoy movies in fullscreen.
This version includes the Gtk GUI."
6) "The Ultimate Movie Player For Linux
It plays most mpeg, avi and asf files, supported by many native and win32
DLL codecs. You can watch VCD, DVD and even DivX movies too. The other
big feature of mplayer is the wide range of supported output drivers. It
works with X11, Xv, DGA, OpenGL, SVGAlib, fbdev, but you can use SDL (and
this way all drivers of SDL) and some lowlevel card-specific drivers (for
Matrox/3dfx/SiS) too! Most of them supports software or hardware scaling,
so you can enjoy movies in fullscreen.
This version includes the Gtk GUI"
7) "Skins for the Ubuntu mplayer Package
Mplayer plays most mpeg, avi and asf files, supported by many native and
win32 DLL codecs. You can watch VCD, DVD and even DivX movies too. The other
big feature of mplayer is the wide range of supported output drivers. It
works with X11, Xv, DGA, OpenGL, SVGAlib, fbdev, but you can use SDL (and
this way all drivers of SDL) and some lowlevel card-specific drivers (for
Matrox/3dfx/SiS) too! Most of them supports software or hardware scaling,
so you can enjoy movies in fullscreen.
This package contains only some skins for mplayer."
8 "w32codecs mukaan lukien..."
Tuo ensimmäinen epäilyttää, kun siinä kerrotaan jotain DVD-jutuista ja koneella ei ole DVD-asemaa. Ja englanninkieli on aina ollut komastuskivi.
KMPlayeria on kehuttu, mutta enpä ole saanut onnistumaan. Jos tätä nyt joku vaivautuisi katsomaan, pitäisikö jotain vielä asentaa? Pitkäksi venyi juttu...