Olen etsiskellyt tietoa netistä otsikon mukaiseen aiheeseen ja vähän löytänytkin apuja, mutta toimimaan en ole saanut asiakirjojen tallennusta ftp-siirtona.
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Eli nyt on mountattuna sftp-jako, joka näkyy tallennusdialogissa.
En tiedä miten sen saa tehtyä niin ettei tarvitse käydä komentotulkissa joka käynnistyksen jälkeen antamassa komento uudelleen, mutta ehkä en haluakaan jotta tietoturva kansioon säilyisi. Tämä siis toimi:
http://blog.damontimm.com/how-to-mount-a-sftp-folder-ssh-ftp-on-ubuntu-linux-using-sshfs-fuse/Laitetaan varuiksi vielä tähän jotta tieto ei ole pelkästään linkin takana:
First, get the sshfs software (which is based on FUSE); if you have Ubuntu, this is easy because it is an included package available for easy install. After the package is installed, you need to add your username to the fuse group. On Ubuntu, you would open a terminal window and perform the following:
* $ sudo aptitude update
* $ sudo aptitude install sshfs
* $ sudo adduser yourusername fuse
After, restart your machine. (I have tried just logging in and logging out, but I kept getting permissions errors — all of which disappeared after a restart.)
The next step it so to create an empty directory that will serve as the “window” into the SFTP server. I created a folder on my desktop called sftp. Once the folder has been created, simply run sshf using the appropriate login information (host username and IP), the host and local directories, and the SFTP connection is mounted on a folder on my desktop.
* $ mkdir ~/Desktop/sftp
* $ sshfs HOSTuser@remote.host.or.ip:/host/dir/to/mount ~/Desktop/sftp
This folder will work like any other folder on your system; when you restart your computer (or logout and log back in) you will have to go through the last step of the process again (calling the sshfs program) to enable the folder on your desktop (save time by creating a bash alias).