Nyt toimii, latas nätisti 3,6:n. Ei tarvinnut kikkailla Tar-paketin kanssa.
Ei voi ladata Ubuntu 20.04, koska rauta ei riitä. Minimivaatimukset pitäisi kerto tarkemmin, koska nämä ei riitä Ubuntu 20.04. No, totta kai riittä tuskailuun: Elikkä nämä olisi syytä kaksinkertaistaa ja silloin mennään käytetyissä hintatasoon 400 € ! SSD pitää vähintään olla 250 CB.
2 GHz dual core processor
4 GiB RAM (system memory)
25 GB of hard-drive space (or USB stick, memory card or external drive but see LiveCD for an alternative approach)
VGA capable of 1024x768 screen resolution
Either a CD/DVD drive or a USB port for the installer media
Internet access is helpful
Ubuntu Desktop 11.04 through 17.04 uses Unity as the default GUI while the previous releases used GNOME Panel by default. From 17.10 onwards the desktop uses GNOME Shell. In order to run these environments the system needs a more capable graphics adapter – see more here or below:
4096 MiB RAM (system memory) for physical installs.
2048 MiB RAM (system memory) for virtualised installs.
3D Acceleration Capable Videocard with at least 256 MB
Machines that are 10 or more years old (originally preloaded with "Windows ME" or "Windows 2000") that don't meet these guideline will probably require some work to revive (the RAM usually needs to be upgraded to the level described above). You could try a lighter-weight distro or a minimal install of Ubuntu.
The easiest and most effective step towards a minimal install of Ubuntu is to install a lighter-weight Desktop Environment such as Xfce (see Xubuntu below), LxDE (see Lubuntu (officially supported from 11.10 onward)) or Enlightenment to name just a few of the most popular. Some of the larger applications, such as LibreOffice, could be swapped for very much lighter equivalents but for more information about doing a minimal install please see the guides at