Ubuntu 24.04.1 LTS | Lataa ja asenna | Tutustu yhteisöön | Blogi | Yritysten tarjoamat palvelutValmistajien tukemat Ubuntu-tietokoneet: kannettavatietokone.fi uudet ja käytetyt sekä Lenovo-verkkokauppa
A workaround for now is to downgrade yle-dl to the earlier version 20220425.
pip3 install --user --upgrade yle-dl
Miten voin tarkistaa milloin olen asentanut juuri tietyn version?
yle-dl --help
$ yle-dl --helpusage: yle-dl [-h] [-V] [--debug] [-q] [-c FILENAME] [-i FILENAME] [-o FILENAME] [--output-template TEMPLATE] [--pipe] [--destdir DIR] [--create-dirs] [--showurl | --showtitle | --showepisodepage | --showmetadata] [--vfat] [--no-resume] [--no-overwrite] [--ratelimit BR] [--proxy URI] [--postprocess CMD] [--sublang LANG] [--metadatalang LANG] [--latestepisode] [--maxbitrate RATE] [--resolution RES] [--startposition S] [--duration S] [--preferformat F] [--backend BE] [--ffmpeg PATH] [--ffprobe PATH] [--wget PATH] [url]yle-dl 20220518: Download media files from Yle Areena and Elävä Arkisto
I decided to switch back to HLS stream (like in versions before 20220518) because I have been unable to find out why some MPEG-DASH streams (the new stream type used in 20220518) are incomplete.Hopefully this will solve the issue.