En tälläiseen asiaan löytänyt ratkaisua(tai sitten en vaan osaa )
ubuntu 6.10 käytössä ja pitäisi saada työpöytä jaettua kahdelle näytölle.
Näyttis: x800 GTO ja atin ajurit onnistuneesti asennettuna
kaksi näyttöä: 1. 19" (optimi reso 1440x900) 2. 17" putki
Eli haluaisin jaetun työpöydän ja kumpaankin näyttöön oman resonsa käyttöön.
Kuinka toimitaan?
ja isot kiitokset etukäteen.....
Tällä ohjeella sain kaksi 19" monitoria laakista yhdeksi isoksi työpöydäksi.
En muista yhtään mistä ohje on kotoisin, onneksi otin talteen.
have dual monitors up and running in DAPPER DRAKE... I have a Radeon 9600XT AIW.
The easiest way to get this to work is to install Easy Ubuntu and all the goodies it comes with (including the ATI flgrx drivers and aticonfig...). If you already have the drivers and need aticonfig, you can get it using Synaptic.
In the terminal do the following (as mentioned above...):
aticonfig --initial=dual-head --screen-layout=right
aticonfig --dtop=horizontal --overlay-on=1
Now, restart the computer (yes, you actually have to RESTART the whole computer not just X). When you log back into gnome, change your resolution to the same height but twice the width by going to
System > Preferences > Screen Resolution
So, for instance, since I am using two 17" CRTs both at 1280x1024, you would make the resolution 2560x1024. That's all there is to it. In terms of 3D acceleration, it beats me... I guess you can't have the best of both worlds yet... or maybe you can, we'll see if anyone has any ideas. In the meantime, I hope my post helped someone out.
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Old 10-06-2006, 01:44 #11
What's a Dremel?
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: KCMO
Posts: 3
first make sure you have the ati driver installed and setup correctly. Making sure you change the driver part in the xorg.conf to fglrx. Then run this:
aticonfig --initial=dual-head
then edit your xorg.conf and add this to your serverlayout section:
Option "Xinerama" "on"
Option "Clone" "off"
and that should get you going. At least thats how i did it and had no probs.
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