Pieleen meni jälleen!
Yritin toimia ohjeen mukaan, mutta pieleen meni. Kun laitoin päätteeseen komennon "qjackctl", niin pääte herjasi, että Jack pitää asentaa ensin tietyllä komennolla. Kirjoitn tämän komennon päätteeseen, jonka jälkeen kone runksutti aikansa ja sen jälkeen tuli varoitus, että jos valitsee vaihtoehdoksi "kyllä", niin kone saattaa mennä aivan tilttiin ja käyttää kaiken muistin. Oletusarvona tässä ruudussa oli "ei", joten valitsin tietysti sen.
Valinta oli ilmeisesti väärä, sillä nyt kone käyttäytyy seuraavasti: Kun avaan päätteen ja kirjoitan komennon "qjackctl", niin päätteeseen tulee teksti "Suspending PulseAudio ", ja sen lisäksi ruuruun tulee ikkuna "Jack Audio Connection Kit Stopped" . Jos tässä ikkunassa painaa start-painiketta, niin avautuu Error-ikkuna, jossa kehotetaan lukemaan Jack Audio Kitin Messages ikkuna. Tässä ikkunassa on seuraava teksti:
15:14:58.139 Patchbay deactivated.
15:14:58.225 Statistics reset.
15:14:58.342 ALSA connection graph change.
15:14:58.798 ALSA connection change.
15:17:05.607 Startup script...
15:17:05.608 artsshell -q terminate
sh: artsshell: not found
15:17:06.015 Startup script terminated with exit status=32512.
15:17:06.018 JACK is starting...
15:17:06.021 /usr/bin/jackd -dalsa -dhw:0 -r44100 -p1024 -n2
jackd 0.118.0
Copyright 2001-2009 Paul Davis, Stephane Letz, Jack O'Quinn, Torben Hohn and others.
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions; see the file COPYING for details
JACK is running in realtime mode, but you are not allowed to use realtime scheduling.
15:17:06.061 JACK was started with PID=2059.
Please check your /etc/security/limits.conf for the following lines
and correct/add them:
@audio - rtprio 100
@audio - nice -10
After applying these changes, please re-login in order for them to take effect.
You don't appear to have a sane system configuration. It is very likely that you
encounter xruns. Please apply all the above mentioned changes and start jack again!
15:17:06.162 JACK was stopped with exit status=255.
15:17:06.165 Post-shutdown script...
15:17:06.167 killall jackd
jackd: ei prosesseja
15:17:06.591 Post-shutdown script terminated with exit status=256.
15:17:08.266 Could not connect to JACK server as client. - Overall operation failed. - Unable to connect to server. Please check the messages window for more info.
15:17:23.379 Startup script...
15:17:23.382 artsshell -q terminate
sh: artsshell: not found
15:17:23.789 Startup script terminated with exit status=32512.
15:17:23.791 JACK is starting...
15:17:23.793 /usr/bin/jackd -dalsa -dhw:0 -r44100 -p1024 -n2
jackd 0.118.0
Copyright 2001-2009 Paul Davis, Stephane Letz, Jack O'Quinn, Torben Hohn and others.
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions; see the file COPYING for details
JACK is running in realtime mode, but you are not allowed to use realtime scheduling.
15:17:23.845 JACK was started with PID=2071.
Please check your /etc/security/limits.conf for the following lines
and correct/add them:
@audio - rtprio 100
@audio - nice -10
After applying these changes, please re-login in order for them to take effect.
You don't appear to have a sane system configuration. It is very likely that you
encounter xruns. Please apply all the above mentioned changes and start jack again!
15:17:23.890 JACK was stopped with exit status=255.
15:17:23.893 Post-shutdown script...
15:17:23.895 killall jackd
jackd: ei prosesseja
15:17:24.320 Post-shutdown script terminated with exit status=256.
15:17:25.966 Could not connect to JACK server as client. - Overall operation failed. - Unable to connect to server. Please check the messages window for more info.
15:17:33.922 Startup script...
15:17:33.925 artsshell -q terminate
sh: artsshell: not found
15:17:34.331 Startup script terminated with exit status=32512.
15:17:34.333 JACK is starting...
15:17:34.335 /usr/bin/jackd -dalsa -dhw:0 -r44100 -p1024 -n2
jackd 0.118.0
Copyright 2001-2009 Paul Davis, Stephane Letz, Jack O'Quinn, Torben Hohn and others.
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions; see the file COPYING for details
JACK is running in realtime mode, but you are not allowed to use realtime scheduling.
15:17:34.376 JACK was started with PID=2083.
Please check your /etc/security/limits.conf for the following lines
and correct/add them:
@audio - rtprio 100
@audio - nice -10
After applying these changes, please re-login in order for them to take effect.
You don't appear to have a sane system configuration. It is very likely that you
encounter xruns. Please apply all the above mentioned changes and start jack again!
15:17:34.413 JACK was stopped with exit status=255.
15:17:34.416 Post-shutdown script...
15:17:34.418 killall jackd
jackd: ei prosesseja
15:17:34.844 Post-shutdown script terminated with exit status=256.
15:17:36.503 Could not connect to JACK server as client. - Overall operation failed. - Unable to connect to server. Please check the messages window for more info.
Mitenkähän tästä jatketaan, jotta Jaaa-spektrianalysaattori saataisiin vihdoin näkymään??? Pitäisi kai saada poistettua aiempi asennus ja sen jälkeen kai pitäisi valita "kyllä" vaihtoehto. On se kovaa tämä eläkläisenkin elämä!