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Riippuvuudet: liblzo1 but it is not installable
Riippuvuudet: libdirectfb-1.0-0 but it is not installable
Riippuvuudet: libkrb53 but it is not installable
Asensin liblzo1 popey:n mukaisesti kts alla:
data compression library (old version)
LZO is a portable, lossless data compression library. It offers pretty fast compression and very fast decompression. Decompression requires no memory.
In addition there are slower compression levels achieving a quite competitive compression ratio while still decompressing at this very high speed.
Web site:
http://www.oberhumer.com/opensource/lzo/ Edelleen tuon ylläolevan asennuksenkin jälkeen tulee:
Riippuvuudet: libdirectfb-1.0-0 but it is not installable
Riippuvuudet: libkrb53 but it is not installable
ELI ei asennu....vaikka popey sivuillaan väitti onnistuvan:
Note: I am running Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic) and that repo is for Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty), so I was expecting failure.
Indeed, trying to install the boxee package failed because it was looking for a package called liblzo1 which isn’t available in Karmic. liblzo2-2 is available in 9.10 but that didn’t work, so I cheated a bit and grabbed liblzo1 from 9.04 and installed that. Boxee then proceeded to install just fine.
Onko muita kokemuksia
lisätty [ratkaistu] /rhkfin