Linux kernel 2.6.28:sta oli juttua...ällä sivulla. Steven J. Vaughan-Nicholsin kirjoittamassa jutussa annettii tietyin varauksin kehuja uudelle kernelille.
Ext 4 (siitä erillinen topic aiemmin)
GEM (Graphics Execution Manager), erinomainen mutta tällä hetkellä paras tuki Intelin 915:llä, jolloin nopeutta saatu lisää 50%
Disk Shock Protection: Kovalevyn suojaus, hyvä juttu esim. läppärin pudottua. Luku-ja kirjoituspää pois diskiltä kun kone tunnistaa että sitä aletaan liikutella.
4. Ajureiden järjestely (
Staging drivers?) ottakaa itse selvää tuosta kohdasta
Greg Kroah-Hartman, who has been leading Linux hackers' efforts to create drivers, created the -staging tree for these, not quite ready for prime-time drivers. You don't have to use them, but they're available there if you need them. For example, I wanted access to USB/IP. This driver enables you to USB devices over a TCP/IP network. I'm using it to access printers that are attached to a Belkin Network USB Hub. Is it perfect? No. But it does let me get to those printers so that's a win in my book.
Verkkotyöskentelyyn parannuksiaUWB (Ultra Wide Band), Wireless USB, UWB-IP, and Nokia's mobile phone Phonet Network Protocol. That's all well and good, but unless you're one of the few who work with UWB or Phonet, I'm not sure how important that will be. I do think Wireless USB will end up being a big deal. That said, what I think is easily the neatest improvement in 2.6.28's improved networking is that it now supports the minstrel Wi-Fi rate control.