Ubuntu 24.04.1 LTS | Lataa ja asenna | Tutustu yhteisöön | Blogi | Yritysten tarjoamat palvelutUusimmat julkaisut: 24.04.1 LTS (suositeltu, 29.8.2024) ja 24.10 - Ubuntun 20-vuotisjulkaisu! (10.10.2024).
At the recent GNOME User and Developer European Conference (GUADEC), the GNOME release team announced a proposal for developing the next major iteration of the open source desktop environment. The plan offers a long-term strategy for moving GNOME development forward and defining future goals for the desktop....The GNOME 2.30 release, which will be about a year and a half from now based on GNOME's standard six-month release cycle, is what the developers have decided to call GNOME 3.0. During that time, the GTK+ toolkit will undergo its transformation and much of the desktop infrastructure that has been under heavy development will be more mature—this includes Clutter, Vala, PolicyKit, PackageKit, GVFS, D-Conf, and the GTK+ WebKit port.
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