Alan kyllästymään tähän ikuiseen vääntämiseen
Ongelma on videonkaappaus, etenkin ALSA:a käytettäessä.
Frameja tippuu aivan liikaa, verrattuna oss:n käyttöön.
Softana on xdtv, toki konsolissa transcode:lla alsa:n kanssa toimii, ilman tippumisia.
Mikä ns. mättää, koska videoframeja tippuu paljon, esim 5 minuutin pätkässä yli 100, joten sen jo huomaa nykimisenä, toki ääni pysyy synkassa mutta silti.
Nyt palasin oss:n käyttöön koska tällöin puolen tunnin kaappauksessa tippui 3 videoframia ja 2 ääniframia.
Tässä esimerkki .asoundrc tiedostosta
Onkohan säädöissä jotain pahasti vikaa?
Niin ja ääninkorttina toimii nForce2 (integroitu emolle, tiedän, paha paha asia
# Set default sound card
# Useful so that all settings can be changed to a different card here.
pcm.snd_card {
type hw
card 0
device 0
# Allow mixing of multiple output streams to this device
pcm.output {
type dmix
ipc_key 1024
ipc_perm 0660 # Sound for everybody in your group!
slave.pcm "snd_card"
slave {
# This stuff provides some fixes for latency issues.
# buffer_size should be set for your audio chipset.
period_time 0
period_size 1024
buffer_size 8192
bindings {
0 0
1 1
# Allow reading from the default device.
# Also known as record or capture.
pcm.input {
type dsnoop
ipc_key 2048
slave.pcm "snd_card"
## Possible artsd full duplex fix:
# slave {
# period_time 0
# period_size 1024
# buffer_size 8192
# }
bindings {
0 0
1 1
# This is what we want as our default device
# a fully duplex (read/write) audio device.
pcm.duplex {
type asym
playback.pcm "output"
capture.pcm "input"
# Setting the default pcm device allows the conversion
# rate to be selected on the fly.
# duplex mode allows any alsa enabled app to read/write
# to the dmix plug (Fixes a problem with wine).
pcm.!default {
type plug
slave.pcm "duplex"
# Apparently this is wrong (breaks mplayer for me opening the device)
#ctl.!default {
# type plug
# slave.pcm "snd_card"
# AOSS #
# OSS dsp0 device (OSS needs only output support, duplex will break some stuff)
pcm.dsp0 {
type plug
slave.pcm "output"
# OSS control for dsp0 (needed?...this might not be useful)
ctl.dsp0 {
type plug
slave.pcm "snd_card"
#### As of November 2005 with the following packages:
#### >=mozilla-firefox-1.0.7-r2, netscape-flash-7.0.25,
#### alsa-oss-1.0.8-r1 and alsa-oss-1.0.10_rc3
#### I have been experiencing crashes related to firefox when rendering flash.
#### I used "aoss firefox" to start the browser.
#### Commenting out the below ctl.mixer0 and using the above ctl.dsp0 allows
#### firefox to render flash without crashing (and yes the aoss mixing works)
#### However aoss Skype does not work properly without mixer0 under some configurations.
# OSS control for dsp0 (default old OSS is mixer0)
#ctl.mixer0 {
# type plug
# slave.pcm "snd_card"