Joo, HP6550b WiFi toimii jollakin lailla, kun olen resetoinut Biosta. Elikkä Tällä hetkellä Win10 ja Ubuntu toimii. Vielä Mint WiFi ei toimi.
Saattaa olla, jos Mint ei lähde tässä toimimaan, niin laitan pimeeseen kaappiin.
Tilasin jo käytetyn HP6570b:n, joka on todella "fiksu" kone raudallisestikkin.
Jos tuo HP WiFi vielä kenkkuilee, niin ulkoiseen USB/WiFi on moni joutunut menemään.
Tällainen vielä löytyy "sudo dmesg -T", mutta ei ole enään punaisella.
"MDS CPU bug present and SMT on, data leak possible. See for more details."
Tässä juttua edelliseen : eli "TPM Embedded Security" voi olla syynä tähän Bios päivityksen "ongelmaan".
Many of us are pretty clueless about TPM, and also to the fact that earlier generations of the HP workstations came from the factory with the TPM device set to hidden in BIOS, and that it also would be reset to hidden if you restore BIOS to factory defaults in a workstation you had changed the TPM device to "available". That particular unexpected event is how I became less clueless about this option years ago.
That "hidden" default BIOS setting is a common reason you may not be able to see/probe/use/update your TPM device. The idea behind why devices would be hidden as a security setting is because that makes the device truly not visible to the OS or to BIOS. Device manager cannot see the device if it is hidden so DM will not tell you that a driver is missing, etc. I have no idea why HP originally thought the TPM security device was better defaulted to hidden than available. Seems counter-intuitive.