## Driver packages installed. ##
# Register Printer
Next, register the printer to the computer.
Connect the printer, and then turn on the power.
To use the printer on the network, connect the printer to the network.
When the printer is ready, press the Enter key.
Searching for printers...
# Select Printer
Select the printer.
If the printer you want to use is not listed, select Update
To cancel the process, enter [Q].
0) Update
Could not detect the target printer.
(Currently selected:[0](Update) )
Enter the value.
ja sama toistuu. Pitänee kai käydä kaverilla tulostimen kanssa varmistamassa sen toiminta.
Tehty ja kaverin kone jossa on eräs Tupla W havaitsi laitteen heti eli piuhat yms. ovat kunnossa.