Kirjoittaja Aihe: Leadtek @450-modeemi Ubuntussa?  (Luettu 1205 kertaa)


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Leadtek @450-modeemi Ubuntussa?
« : 02.03.10 - klo:14.58 »
Yritän saada otsikon USB-modeemia toimimaan Ubuntussa, mutta yritys hyytyy ihan maaliviivoille...

Sourceforgesta löytyvä ajuripaketti ( kääntyi ja asentui OK, ja verkkorajapinta tulee näkyviin. Jotain näkyisi jopa lähtevän verkkoon päin, mutta mitään ei tule takaisin, ja homma hyytyy DHCP-kyselyyn.

Onko joku saanut Leadtekin toimimaan Ubuntun/Linuxin kanssa, ja missähän on piilossa se pieni vipu, jolla saisin yhteyden pelittämään?

Yhteys näyttää ifconfig:illa tältä:
Koodia: [Valitse]
eth1 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:30:04:00:3E:14
inet6 addr: fe80::230:4ff:fe00:3e14/64 Scope:Link
RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:11 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
RX bytes:0 (0.0 b) TX bytes:2200 (2.1 KiB)

Tässä messaget modeemin kytkemisestä:
Koodia: [Valitse]
Feb 20 07:41:01 localhost kernel: usb 5-1: new full speed USB device using uhci_hcd and address 2
Feb 20 07:41:01 localhost kernel: usb 5-1: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice
Feb 20 07:41:01 localhost kernel: usb 5-1: New USB device found, idVendor=1291, idProduct=0011
Feb 20 07:41:01 localhost kernel: usb 5-1: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=3
Feb 20 07:41:01 localhost kernel: usb 5-1: Product: Leadtek USB Network Interface
Feb 20 07:41:01 localhost kernel: usb 5-1: Manufacturer: Qualcomm
Feb 20 07:41:01 localhost kernel: usb 5-1: SerialNumber: 0001
Feb 20 07:41:01 localhost kernel: Initialize and register the driver
Feb 20 07:41:01 localhost kernel: ft1000_probe: usb device descriptor info:
Feb 20 07:41:01 localhost kernel: ft1000_probe: number of configuration is 1
Feb 20 07:41:01 localhost kernel: ft1000_probe is called
Feb 20 07:41:01 localhost kernel: ft1000_probe: number of alt settings is :1
Feb 20 07:41:01 localhost kernel: ft1000_probe: number of endpoints is 3
Feb 20 07:41:01 localhost kernel: ft1000_probe: descriptor type is 4
Feb 20 07:41:01 localhost kernel: ft1000_probe: interface number is 0
Feb 20 07:41:01 localhost kernel: ft1000_probe: alternatesetting is 0
Feb 20 07:41:01 localhost kernel: ft1000_probe: interface class is 255
Feb 20 07:41:01 localhost kernel: ft1000_probe: control endpoint info:
Feb 20 07:41:01 localhost kernel: ft1000_probe: descriptor0 type — 3
Feb 20 07:41:01 localhost kernel: ft1000_probe: descriptor1 type — 2
Feb 20 07:41:01 localhost kernel: ft1000_probe: descriptor2 type — 2
Feb 20 07:41:01 localhost kernel: endpoint 0
Feb 20 07:41:01 localhost kernel: bEndpointAddress=81, bmAttributes=3
Feb 20 07:41:01 localhost kernel: endpoint 1
Feb 20 07:41:01 localhost kernel: bEndpointAddress=82, bmAttributes=2
Feb 20 07:41:01 localhost kernel: ft1000_probe: in: 130
Feb 20 07:41:01 localhost kernel: endpoint 2
Feb 20 07:41:01 localhost kernel: bEndpointAddress=3, bmAttributes=2
Feb 20 07:41:01 localhost kernel: ft1000_probe: out: 3
Feb 20 07:41:01 localhost kernel: bulk_in=130, bulk_out=3
Feb 20 07:41:01 localhost kernel: ft1000_probe: start downloading dsp image...
Feb 20 07:41:01 localhost kernel: Enter init_ft1000_netdev...
Feb 20 07:41:01 localhost kernel: init_ft1000_netdev: network device name is eth1
Feb 20 07:41:01 localhost kernel: card number = 1
Feb 20 07:41:01 localhost kernel: Initialize free_buff_lock and freercvpool
Feb 20 07:41:01 localhost kernel: In probe: pft1000info=f37e8480
Feb 20 07:41:02 localhost kernel: Reset Register = 0x45
Feb 20 07:41:02 localhost kernel: Reset DSP
Feb 20 07:41:03 localhost kernel: Activate DSP
Feb 20 07:41:04 localhost kernel: templong (fefe) = 0xfefe0000
Feb 20 07:41:04 localhost kernel: Entered scram_dnldr...
Feb 20 07:41:04 localhost kernel: FT1000:STATE_START_DWNLD
Feb 20 07:41:04 localhost kernel: scram_dnldr: handshake is HANDSHAKE_DSP_BL_READY, call put_handshake(HANDSHAKE_DRIVER_READY)
Feb 20 07:41:04 localhost kernel: FT1000:STATE_BOOT_DWNLD
Feb 20 07:41:04 localhost kernel: FT1000:REQUEST_CODE_LENGTH
Feb 20 07:41:04 localhost kernel: FT1000:STATE_BOOT_DWNLD
Feb 20 07:41:04 localhost kernel: FT1000:REQUEST_RUN_ADDRESS
Feb 20 07:41:04 localhost kernel: FT1000:STATE_BOOT_DWNLD
Feb 20 07:41:04 localhost kernel: FT1000:STATE_BOOT_DWNLD
Feb 20 07:41:04 localhost kernel: FT1000:STATE_BOOT_DWNLD
Feb 20 07:41:04 localhost kernel: FT1000:STATE_BOOT_DWNLD
Feb 20 07:41:04 localhost kernel: FT1000:STATE_BOOT_DWNLD
Feb 20 07:41:04 localhost kernel: FT1000:REQUEST_DONE_BL
Feb 20 07:41:04 localhost kernel: get_handshake: fcodeldr is 1
Feb 20 07:41:04 localhost kernel: check_usb_db: read FT1000_REG_DOORBELL value is 0
Feb 20 07:41:04 localhost kernel: check_usb_db: read FT1000_REG_DOORBELL value is 0
Feb 20 07:41:04 localhost kernel: check_usb_db: read FT1000_REG_DOORBELL value is 0
Feb 20 07:41:04 localhost kernel: check_usb_db: read FT1000_REG_DOORBELL value is 80
Feb 20 07:41:04 localhost kernel: FT1000:Got checkusb doorbell
Feb 20 07:41:04 localhost kernel: FT1000:check_usb_db:Doorbell = 0x8100
Feb 20 07:41:04 localhost kernel: FT1000:check_usb_db:Doorbell = 0x102
Feb 20 07:41:04 localhost kernel: check_usb_db: door bell is cleared, return 0
Feb 20 07:41:04 localhost kernel: FT1000:download: REQUEST_MAILBOX_DATA
Feb 20 07:41:04 localhost kernel: FT1000:download:REQUEST_VERSION_INFO
Feb 20 07:41:04 localhost kernel: FT1000:download:REQUEST_CODE_BY_VERSION
Feb 20 07:41:04 localhost kernel: FT1000:download: bGoodVersion is TRUE
Feb 20 07:41:04 localhost kernel: FT1000:download:REQUEST_CODE_LENGTH
Feb 20 07:41:04 localhost kernel: FT1000:download:run_size = 0x 42dd9
Feb 20 07:41:04 localhost kernel: FT1000:download: REQUEST_RUN_ADDRESS
Feb 20 07:41:04 localhost kernel: FT1000:download:run_address = 0x 30b02
Feb 20 07:41:04 localhost kernel: FT1000:download:image_chksum = 0x 6138
Feb 20 07:41:10 localhost kernel: FT1000:download:Code loader is done...
Feb 20 07:41:10 localhost kernel: FT1000:download:STATE_SECTION_PROV
Feb 20 07:41:10 localhost kernel: ft1000:download: after STATE_SECTION_PROV, uiState = 5, Status= 0
Feb 20 07:41:10 localhost kernel: FT1000:download:STATE_SECTION_PROV
Feb 20 07:41:10 localhost kernel: ft1000:download: after STATE_SECTION_PROV, uiState = 5, Status= 0
Feb 20 07:41:10 localhost kernel: FT1000:download:STATE_SECTION_PROV
Feb 20 07:41:10 localhost kernel: ft1000:download: after STATE_SECTION_PROV, uiState = 5, Status= 0
Feb 20 07:41:10 localhost kernel: FT1000:download:STATE_SECTION_PROV
Feb 20 07:41:10 localhost kernel: ft1000:download: after STATE_SECTION_PROV, uiState = 7, Status= 0
Feb 20 07:41:10 localhost kernel: Download exiting with status = 0x 0
Feb 20 07:41:11 localhost kernel: dsp_reload returned
Feb 20 07:41:11 localhost kernel: ft1000_poll: FT1000_REG_DOORBELL message type: FT1000_DB_DPRAM_RX : portid DRIVERID
Feb 20 07:41:11 localhost kernel: ft1000_proc_drvmsg:Command message type = 0x10
Feb 20 07:41:11 localhost kernel: ft1000_proc_drvmsg:Command message type = MEDIA_STATE<6>Media is up
Feb 20 07:41:11 localhost kernel: return from ft1000_proc_drvmsg
Feb 20 07:41:11 localhost kernel: ft1000_poll: FT1000_REG_DOORBELL message type: FT1000_ASIC_RESET_REQ
Feb 20 07:41:11 localhost kernel: ft1000_poll: FT1000_REG_DOORBELL message type: FT1000_DB_DPRAM_RX : portid DRIVERID
Feb 20 07:41:11 localhost kernel: ft1000_proc_drvmsg:Command message type = 0x71
Feb 20 07:41:11 localhost kernel: FT1000:drivermsg:Got DSP_GET_INFO
Feb 20 07:41:11 localhost kernel: return from ft1000_proc_drvmsg
Feb 20 07:41:11 localhost kernel: ft1000_probe::Waiting for Card Ready
Feb 20 07:41:11 localhost kernel: ft1000_probe::Waiting for Card Ready
Feb 20 07:41:11 localhost kernel: ft1000_probe::Waiting for Card Ready
Feb 20 07:41:11 localhost kernel: ft1000_probe::Waiting for Card Ready
Feb 20 07:41:12 localhost kernel: ft1000_poll: FT1000_REG_DOORBELL message type: FT1000_DB_DPRAM_RX : portid DRIVERID
Feb 20 07:41:12 localhost kernel: ft1000_proc_drvmsg:Command message type = 0x50
Feb 20 07:41:12 localhost kernel: ft1000_proc_drvmsg:Command message type = DSP_INIT_MSG<6>DSPVER = 0x 0 0x 2 0x b 0x2d
Feb 20 07:41:12 localhost kernel: EUI64= 0.30. 4. 2. 0. 0.3e.14
Feb 20 07:41:12 localhost kernel: RFCalVer = 0x b 0xcc
Feb 20 07:41:12 localhost kernel: return from ft1000_proc_drvmsg
Feb 20 07:41:12 localhost kernel: ft1000_poll: FT1000_REG_DOORBELL message type: FT1000_DB_DPRAM_RX : portid DRIVERID
Feb 20 07:41:12 localhost kernel: ft1000_proc_drvmsg:Command message type = 0x10
Feb 20 07:41:12 localhost kernel: ft1000_proc_drvmsg:Command message type = MEDIA_STATE<6>Media is up
Feb 20 07:41:12 localhost kernel: return from ft1000_proc_drvmsg
Feb 20 07:41:12 localhost kernel: ft1000_poll: FT1000_REG_DOORBELL message type: FT1000_DB_DPRAM_RX : portid DRIVERID
Feb 20 07:41:12 localhost kernel: ft1000_proc_drvmsg:Command message type = 0x30
Feb 20 07:41:12 localhost kernel: ft1000_proc_drvmsg:Command message type = DSP_PROVISION
Feb 20 07:41:12 localhost kernel: *** DspProv? Entered
Feb 20 07:41:12 localhost kernel: DSP Provisioning List Entry
Feb 20 07:41:12 localhost kernel: check if doorbell is cleared
Feb 20 07:41:12 localhost kernel: *** Provision Data Sent to DSP
Feb 20 07:41:12 localhost kernel: DSP Provisioning List Entry
Feb 20 07:41:12 localhost kernel: check if doorbell is cleared
Feb 20 07:41:12 localhost kernel: *** Provision Data Sent to DSP
Feb 20 07:41:12 localhost kernel: ft1000_probe::Waiting for Card Ready
Feb 20 07:41:12 localhost kernel: DSP Provisioning List Entry
Feb 20 07:41:12 localhost kernel: check if doorbell is cleared
Feb 20 07:41:12 localhost kernel: *** Provision Data Sent to DSP
Feb 20 07:41:12 localhost kernel: DSP Provisioning List Entry
Feb 20 07:41:12 localhost kernel: check if doorbell is cleared
Feb 20 07:41:12 localhost kernel: *** Provision Data Sent to DSP
Feb 20 07:41:12 localhost kernel: DSP Provisioning List Entry finished
Feb 20 07:41:12 localhost kernel: ft1000_probe::Waiting for Card Ready
Feb 20 07:41:12 localhost kernel: ft1000_proc_drvmsg:DSP PROVISION is done
Feb 20 07:41:12 localhost kernel: return from ft1000_proc_drvmsg
Feb 20 07:41:12 localhost kernel: ft1000_probe::Waiting for Card Ready
Feb 20 07:41:12 localhost kernel: ft1000_probe::Card Ready!!!! Registering network device
Feb 20 07:41:12 localhost kernel: Enter reg_ft1000_netdev...
Feb 20 07:41:12 localhost kernel: ft1000_CreateDevice: number of instance = 0
Feb 20 07:41:12 localhost kernel: ft1000_chdev:rm_mknod is called for device FT1001
Feb 20 07:41:12 localhost kernel: DeviceCreated? = 0
Feb 20 07:41:12 localhost kernel: ft1000_CreateDevice: ******SAVED pdevobj1=f2650000
Feb 20 07:41:12 localhost kernel: ft1000_CreateDevice: "FT1001" device registration
Feb 20 07:41:12 localhost kernel: ft1000_CreateDevice: registered char device "FT1001"
Feb 20 07:41:12 localhost kernel: ft1000_PcdCreateDevice: device major = 248
Feb 20 07:41:12 localhost kernel: reg_ft1000_netdev returned
Feb 20 07:41:12 localhost kernel: ft1000_chdev:exec_mknod is called with major number = 248
Feb 20 07:41:12 localhost kernel: usbcore: registered new interface driver ft1000usb
Feb 20 07:41:12 localhost kernel: ft1000_chdev:rm_mknod done!
Feb 20 07:41:12 localhost NetworkManager: (eth1): driver 'usb' does not support carrier detection.#012#011You must switch to it manually.
Feb 20 07:41:12 localhost NetworkManager: (eth1): new Ethernet device (driver: 'usb')
Feb 20 07:41:12 localhost NetworkManager: (eth1): exported as /org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/net_00_30_04_00_3e_14
Feb 20 07:41:17 localhost NetworkManager: (eth1): device state change: 1 -> 2
Feb 20 07:41:17 localhost NetworkManager: (eth1): bringing up device.
Feb 20 07:41:17 localhost kernel: ft1000_open is called for card 1
Feb 20 07:41:17 localhost NetworkManager: (eth1): preparing device.
Feb 20 07:41:17 localhost NetworkManager: (eth1): deactivating device (reason: 2).
Feb 20 07:41:17 localhost nm-system-settings: Added default wired connection 'Auto eth1' for /org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/net_00_30_04_00_3e_14
Feb 20 07:41:17 localhost NetworkManager: Policy set 'System eth0' (eth0) as default for routing and DNS.
Feb 20 07:41:17 localhost NetworkManager: (eth1): device state change: 2 -> 3
Feb 20 07:41:17 localhost NetworkManager: Activation (eth1) starting connection 'Auto eth1'
Feb 20 07:41:17 localhost NetworkManager: (eth1): device state change: 3 -> 4
Feb 20 07:41:17 localhost NetworkManager: Activation (eth1) Stage 1 of 5 (Device Prepare) scheduled...
Feb 20 07:41:17 localhost NetworkManager: Activation (eth1) Stage 1 of 5 (Device Prepare) started...
Feb 20 07:41:17 localhost NetworkManager: Activation (eth1) Stage 2 of 5 (Device Configure) scheduled...
Feb 20 07:41:17 localhost NetworkManager: Activation (eth1) Stage 1 of 5 (Device Prepare) complete.
Feb 20 07:41:17 localhost NetworkManager: Activation (eth1) Stage 2 of 5 (Device Configure) starting...
Feb 20 07:41:17 localhost NetworkManager: (eth1): device state change: 4 -> 5
Feb 20 07:41:17 localhost NetworkManager: Activation (eth1) Stage 2 of 5 (Device Configure) successful.
Feb 20 07:41:17 localhost NetworkManager: Activation (eth1) Stage 3 of 5 (IP Configure Start) scheduled.
Feb 20 07:41:17 localhost NetworkManager: Activation (eth1) Stage 2 of 5 (Device Configure) complete.
Feb 20 07:41:17 localhost NetworkManager: Activation (eth1) Stage 3 of 5 (IP Configure Start) started...
Feb 20 07:41:17 localhost NetworkManager: (eth1): device state change: 5 -> 7
Feb 20 07:41:17 localhost NetworkManager: Activation (eth1) Beginning DHCP transaction.
Feb 20 07:41:17 localhost NetworkManager: dhclient started with pid 3551
Feb 20 07:41:17 localhost NetworkManager: Activation (eth1) Stage 3 of 5 (IP Configure Start) complete.
Feb 20 07:41:17 localhost dhclient: Internet Systems Consortium DHCP Client 4.0.0
Feb 20 07:41:17 localhost dhclient: Copyright 2004-2007 Internet Systems Consortium.
Feb 20 07:41:17 localhost dhclient: All rights reserved.
Feb 20 07:41:17 localhost dhclient: For info, please visit
Feb 20 07:41:17 localhost dhclient:
Feb 20 07:41:17 localhost dhclient: Listening on LPF/eth1/00:30:04:00:3e:14
Feb 20 07:41:17 localhost dhclient: Sending on LPF/eth1/00:30:04:00:3e:14
Feb 20 07:41:17 localhost dhclient: Sending on Socket/fallback
Feb 20 07:41:17 localhost NetworkManager: DHCP: device eth1 state changed (null) -> preinit
Feb 20 07:41:18 localhost avahi-daemon2060: Registering new address record for fe80::230:4ff:fe00:3e14 on eth1.*.
Feb 20 07:41:19 localhost dhclient: DHCPDISCOVER on eth1 to port 67 interval 3
Feb 20 07:41:22 localhost dhclient: DHCPDISCOVER on eth1 to port 67 interval 5
Feb 20 07:41:27 localhost dhclient: DHCPDISCOVER on eth1 to port 67 interval 5
Feb 20 07:41:32 localhost dhclient: DHCPDISCOVER on eth1 to port 67 interval 9
Feb 20 07:41:41 localhost dhclient: DHCPDISCOVER on eth1 to port 67 interval 9
Feb 20 07:41:50 localhost dhclient: DHCPDISCOVER on eth1 to port 67 interval 9
Feb 20 07:41:59 localhost dhclient: DHCPDISCOVER on eth1 to port 67 interval 11
Feb 20 07:42:02 localhost NetworkManager: Device 'eth1' DHCP transaction took too long (>45s), stopping it.
Feb 20 07:42:02 localhost NetworkManager: eth1: canceled DHCP transaction, dhcp client pid 3551
Feb 20 07:42:02 localhost NetworkManager: Activation (eth1) Stage 4 of 5 (IP Configure Timeout) scheduled...
Feb 20 07:42:02 localhost NetworkManager: Activation (eth1) Stage 4 of 5 (IP Configure Timeout) started...
Feb 20 07:42:02 localhost NetworkManager: (eth1): device state change: 7 -> 9
Feb 20 07:42:02 localhost NetworkManager: Marking connection 'Auto eth1' invalid.
Feb 20 07:42:02 localhost NetworkManager: Activation (eth1) failed.
Feb 20 07:42:02 localhost NetworkManager: Activation (eth1) Stage 4 of 5 (IP Configure Timeout) complete.
Feb 20 07:42:02 localhost NetworkManager: (eth1): device state change: 9 -> 3
Feb 20 07:42:02 localhost NetworkManager: (eth1): deactivating device (reason: 0).

Tcpdump näyttää tällaista:
Koodia: [Valitse]
tcpdump: WARNING: eth1: no IPv4 address assigned
tcpdump: verbose output suppressed, use -v or -vv for full protocol decode
listening on eth1, link-type EN10MB (Ethernet), capture size 96 bytes
07:56:22.878414 IP6 fe80
230:4ff:fe00:3e14 > ff02
2: ICMP6, router solicitation, length 16
07:56:25.000304 IP > BOOTP/DHCP, Request from 00:30:04:00:3e:14 (oui Unknown), length 300
07:56:26.878054 IP6 fe80
230:4ff:fe00:3e14 > ff02
2: ICMP6, router solicitation, length 16
07:56:30.878053 IP6 fe80
230:4ff:fe00:3e14 > ff02
2: ICMP6, router solicitation, length 16
07:56:32.000197 IP > BOOTP/DHCP, Request from 00:30:04:00:3e:14 (oui Unknown), length 300
07:56:51.000287 IP > BOOTP/DHCP, Request from 00:30:04:00:3e:14 (oui Unknown), length 300

Kiitos jo etukäteen avusta.

« Viimeksi muokattu: 02.03.10 - klo:16.49 kirjoittanut anttu-t »