masentava uutinen. Herää myös kysymys siitä, mitä tapahtuisi jos näillä firmoilla olisikin ns. puhtaat jauhot pussissa. Tunnettu tosiasiahan on se, että Microsoft ei uskalla haastaa Linux Foundationia oikeuteen patenttirikkomuksista sillä siinä tapauksessa Microsoftin itsensä olisi paljastettava tiedot siitä mitä patenttirikkomuksia sillä on.
Joka tapauksessa Microsoftin käyttämä FUD-menetelmä näyttää purevan Linux-asiakkaisiin. "Jos maksat saat olla rauhassa".
After years of shaking its intellectual-property saber at Linux companies to little effect, Microsoft apparently has decided that it will go after Linux customers with their unfounded, but scary-sounding, claims. Unfortunately for Linux and open-source software, fool companies like Amazon have brought into this FUD fantasy.
Racket crime (Wikipedia)
A racket is an illegal business, usually run as part of organized crime. Engaging in a racket is called racketeering.
Several forms of racket exist. The best-known is the protection racket, in which criminals demand money from businesses in exchange for the service of "protection" against crimes that the racketeers themselves instigate if unpaid (see extortion). A second well known example is the numbers racket, a form of illegal lottery.
Traditionally, the word racket is used to describe a business that is based on the example of the "protection racket" and indicates that the speaker believes that the business is making money by selling a solution to a problem that the business itself created (or that it intentionally allows to continue to exist), specifically so that continuous purchases of the solution are always needed. Example: in a protection racket, a representative from the racket informs a storeowner that a fee of X dollars will be required every month for protection money, though the "protection" that is provided comes in the form of the racket itself not causing damage to the store or its employees.
The term "racketeering" was coined by the Employers' Association of Chicago in June 1927 in a statement about the influence of organized crime in the Teamsters union.