Kirjoittaja Aihe: Pseudoform  (Luettu 2375 kertaa)


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« : 11.11.09 - klo:18.16 »
löysimpäs linux gamesista artikkelin jossa kerrottin pseudoform projektista joka on saanut ideansa valven portal pelistä. Pseudoform on open sourcea ja on ladattavissa linuxille ja windowsille. Mitäs mieltä te olette projektista itse en ole viellä päässyt kokeilemaan mutta videoista voi päätellä että on aika mielenkiintoinen.  ;D

Pseudoform is a game project currently in development by a two-man strong team. It aims to be create a unique puzzle-solving experience using heavily stylized viusals and uncommon gameplay elements. The game was initially started by Nullsquared as a tech-demo for showing off portals using the OGRE3D graphics engine. Null's announcement on the Facepunch and OGRE3D forums caught the attention of many people including the second team member, Svenstaro, who quickly got into contact with Null and, having previous project experience, suggested to create an actual game. This is how we got started.