Ubuntu 24.04.1 LTS | Lataa ja asenna | Tutustu yhteisöön | Blogi | Yritysten tarjoamat palvelutUusimmat julkaisut: 24.04.1 LTS (suositeltu, 29.8.2024) ja 24.10 - Ubuntun 20-vuotisjulkaisu! (10.10.2024).
Two video formats are available: * WMV (Windows Media Video) * MPEG-4 (Moving Picture Experts Group)These two formats both meet the following requirements: * Streaming: Each event is broadcast in real time, which requires the use of Streaming. Progressive downloading, often used for broadcasting videos on the web, is not sufficient. * Multilingualism: Each event is broadcast in all the official languages of the European Union (when interpretation is available). * Simultaneity: Parliament currently broadcasts up to 6 events simultaneously and will soon be able to broadcast up to 13. * Multi-bitrate: Each event is broadcast in three different qualities to allow access by the largest possible number of citizens, depending on their internet infrastructure.
To watch the live broadcast in WMV format, Windows Media Player must be installed on your computer and your browser should include the necessary plugins. You can get these at the following links: * Windows Media Player (all operating systems) * Plugin WMP Firefox 3 * Plugin ActiveX Firefox 2
vlc mms://livewms.europarl.europa.eu/reflector:52819
Toimiiko jos avaat VLC:llä erikseen osoitteen mms://livewms.europarl.europa.eu/reflector:52819Eli VLC käyntiin, Media -> Suoratoisto verkosta ja sinne tuo osoite? Tai päätteessä:Koodia: [Valitse]vlc mms://livewms.europarl.europa.eu/reflector:52819
Tämä lähti toimimaan, kuinka asetan vielä firefoxin kanssa saman toimimaan ??Osaatkos neuvoa ??