Eli vastaan itselleni jotta voin taas joskus kaivaa tämän ohjeen esiin jos tarvis.tappelin pitkään acer 1363 wlanin kanssa ja kokeilin useita eri ohjeita ja tällä sain toimimaan niinkuin piti:
For 7.10 Gutsy Gibbon
alla olevat paketit hein/ajoin synapticilliä.
http://packages.ubuntu.com/gutsy/misc/ndiswrapper-commonhttp://packages.ubuntu.com/gutsy/misc/ndiswrapper-utils-1.9http://packages.ubuntu.com/gutsy/net/ndisgtk 3.3. Downloading Windows Drivers
Acer IPN2220 Wireless LAN Card NDIS Miniport Driver
http://support.acer-euro.com/drivers/ftp/ftp.html3.4. Installing Windows driver
3.4.1. Installing Windows driver using ndisgtk (ndiswrapper graphical
If you chose to install ndisgtk, the graphical interface for ndiswrapper,
after installation click on System | Administration | Windows wireless
drivers and follow the instructions on-screen. Check to make sure the driver was installed correctly
Run the following command from a Terminal:
ndiswrapper -l
If the driver is installed correctly, you should see the following output:
{name of driver} : driver installed
device ({Chipset ID}) present
3.5. Load the new driver module
If ndiswrapper correctly associates the driver to the wireless adapter, you
are now ready to load the driver into memory, and try to establish a
network connection.
Open a Terminal and run the following commands:
sudo depmod -a
sudo modprobe ndiswrapper
3.6.1. Configuring Wireless Network Settings using nm-applet (GNOME front
end for Network Manager)
If this applet is installed, it makes wireless network connection to
multiple networks (roaming) easier - this is useful if you use your laptop
to connect to wireless networks at more than one location.
Open the Networking Admin tool (System | Administration | Networking),
select the Wireless connection and click Properties, ensure the Enable
roaming mode checkbox is ticked.
3.6.2. Configuring Wireless Network Settings using network-admin (Network
Open the Networking Admin tool (System | Administration | Networking),
select the Wireless connection and click Properties, ensure the Enable
roaming mode checkbox is unticked.
In the Network Name box, select / type the ESSID of your network
In the Password type box, select whether your network password is Hex (eg.
208AB43..) or Ascii (eg. secret)
In the Password box, Type / paste your network password
In the Connection Configuration, select the Network configuration type -
this is normally DHCP.
3.7. Automatically loading at start-up
sudo ndiswrapper -m
3.7.1. Network Manager applet only
Edit /etc/modules file to
add an entry for ndiswrapper at the end of the file
In Ubuntu,
gksudo gedit /etc/modules
and add the word ndiswrapper to the end of this file and save it.