Vaihtoehtoiset työpöytäympäristöt / Kubuntun adept installer
« : 17.03.09 - klo:19.37 »
ei toimi minulla enään. Yritin asentaa Opera-selaimen, latasin sen niitten download -sivulta. Lataamisen jälkeen Adept installer herjaa: Tapahtui virhe
The application Adept (adept) crashed and caused the signal 6 (SIGABRT).
Please help us improve the software you use by filing a report at http://bugs.kde.org. Useful details include how to reproduce the error, documents that were loaded, etc.
? miten korjaan Adept:in
? miten asennan Operan
The application Adept (adept) crashed and caused the signal 6 (SIGABRT).
Please help us improve the software you use by filing a report at http://bugs.kde.org. Useful details include how to reproduce the error, documents that were loaded, etc.
? miten korjaan Adept:in
? miten asennan Operan