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Viestit - rovasti

Sivuja: [1]
Taitaa olla mullakin sama ongelma.
Konsolissa näkyy seuraavaa:
2008-05-20 23:15:22.553 Using runtime prefix = /usr, libdir = /usr/lib
2008-05-20 23:15:23.082 XScreenSaver support enabled
2008-05-20 23:15:23.082 DPMS is active.
2008-05-20 23:15:23.083 Empty LocalHostName.
2008-05-20 23:15:23.083 Using localhost value of mediamikro
2008-05-20 23:15:23.096 New DB connection, total: 1
2008-05-20 23:15:23.101 Connected to database 'mythconverg' at host: localhost
2008-05-20 23:15:23.103 Closing DB connection named 'DBManager0'
2008-05-20 23:15:23.104 Primary screen 0.
2008-05-20 23:15:23.105 Connected to database 'mythconverg' at host: localhost
2008-05-20 23:15:23.107 Using screen 0, 1280x1024 at 0,0
2008-05-20 23:15:23.134 New DB connection, total: 2
2008-05-20 23:15:23.135 Connected to database 'mythconverg' at host: localhost
2008-05-20 23:15:23.138 mythfrontend version: 0.21.20080304-1 www.mythtv.org
2008-05-20 23:15:23.139 Enabled verbose msgs:  important general
2008-05-20 23:15:23.263 Unable to parse themeinfo.xml for glass-wide
2008-05-20 23:15:23.263 The theme (glass-wide) is missing a themeinfo.xml file
2008-05-20 23:15:23.462 Unable to parse themeinfo.xml for glass-wide
2008-05-20 23:15:23.462 The theme (glass-wide) is missing a themeinfo.xml file
2008-05-20 23:15:23.781 Primary screen 0.
2008-05-20 23:15:23.782 Using screen 0, 1280x1024 at 0,0
2008-05-20 23:15:23.784 Switching to square mode (Mythbuntu-8.04)
2008-05-20 23:15:23.804 Using the Qt painter
2008-05-20 23:15:23.806 lirc init success using configuration file: /home/mikko/.mythtv/lircrc
2008-05-20 23:15:23.807 JoystickMenuClient Error: Joystick disabled - Failed to read /home/mikko/.mythtv/joystickmenurc
2008-05-20 23:15:25.539 Specified base font 'medium' does not exist for font clock
2008-05-20 23:15:25.539 Specified base font 'medium' does not exist for font small
2008-05-20 23:15:25.539 Specified base font 'medium' does not exist for font medium
2008-05-20 23:15:25.539 Specified base font 'medium' does not exist for font large
2008-05-20 23:15:25.541 Loading from: /usr/share/mythtv/themes/Mythbuntu-8.04/base.xml
2008-05-20 23:15:25.703 Loading from: /usr/share/mythtv/themes/default/base.xml
2008-05-20 23:15:25.817 Registering Internal as a media playback plugin.
2008-05-20 23:15:25.932 MonitorRegisterExtensions(0x100, gif,jpg,png)
2008-05-20 23:15:26.011 Failed to run 'cdrecord --scanbus'
2008-05-20 23:15:26.016 Failed to run 'cdrecord --scanbus -dev=ATA'
2008-05-20 23:15:26.021 Failed to run 'cdrecord --scanbus -dev=ATAPI'
2008-05-20 23:15:26.104 MonitorRegisterExtensions(0x40, ogg,mp3,aac,flac)
2008-05-20 23:15:29.542 Connecting to backend server: (try 1 of 5)
2008-05-20 23:15:29.543 Using protocol version 40
2008-05-20 23:15:29.551 TV: Attempting to change from None to WatchingLiveTV            (tv:n käynnistys)
2008-05-20 23:15:29.553 Using protocol version 40
2008-05-20 23:15:30.793 GetEntryAt(-1) failed.
2008-05-20 23:15:30.795 EntryToProgram(0@to tammi� 1 02:00:00 1970) failed to get pginfo
2008-05-20 23:15:30.795 TV Error: LiveTV not successfully started
2008-05-20 23:15:30.795 TV Error: LiveTV not successfully started
2008-05-20 23:15:30.865 TV: Deleting TV Chain in destructor
2008-05-20 23:15:30.872 DPMS Deactivated
2008-05-20 23:15:30.873 DPMS Reactivated.
2008-05-20 23:16:10.516 Deleting UPnP client...

Eddä tuoda, missäköhä vika vois olla. Parhaimmillaan sain vain vähän pätkivän kuvan näkymään. Käytössä technisatin airstar2.

Sivuja: [1]