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Viestit - ubuntumansuomi

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Ubuntu tietokoneissa / Vs: FINEID henkilökortti
« : 15.11.14 - klo:22.20 »
I know about this service. Here Finland could offer virtual phone numbers to everyone around the world to use this concept if Finland is first to show it's potential!

Ubuntu tietokoneissa / Vs: FINEID henkilökortti
« : 15.11.14 - klo:21.56 »
Is it possible to allow users to sign into a website using their Finnish I.D. card? Can the card be used for both public and private uses?

Ubuntu tietokoneissa / Vs: FINEID henkilökortti
« : 15.11.14 - klo:19.47 »
So I guess using the card with email is a bad idea..... Well if worst comes to worst we can all become virtual citizens of Estonia :) !

Check this out:


Ubuntu tietokoneissa / Vs: FINEID henkilökortti
« : 15.11.14 - klo:19.24 »
I was in Estonia a couple of days and there everyone is talking about all the possibilities that the Estonian i.d. card has to offer. Thus, I went into Eurotronics over at Viru Keskus and bought for €6.90 a Gemalto card reader, which with your help I just got working.

The everyday consumer isn't going to go through the trouble to get this stuff working if it isn't plug & play.

This was an interesting afternoon exercise to get working and will obviously prove beneficial but those that are not technically inclined or if clear documentation does not exist will be prevented from enjoying the benefits our (Finland) card has to offer

Ubuntu tietokoneissa / Vs: FINEID henkilökortti
« : 15.11.14 - klo:19.00 »
@AimoE & @nm,

Thanks you guys for helping me on this!

Using this code:

Koodia: [Valitse]
dpkg -L mpollux-digisign-client | grep crypto
gave me these for options:


I went back into 'security devices', which was the word AimoE was looking for, and choose '/usr/lib/libcryptoki.so'.


I have things working and the test link AimoE gave logged me into the Vaestorekisterikesku page without PIN? But into Kela with PIN.


Ubuntu tietokoneissa / Vs: FINEID henkilökortti
« : 15.11.14 - klo:18.44 »

When I followed this:

- When you add the "turvallisuuslaite" (what is it in English?), the manual tells the wrong location. Use
Koodia: [Valitse]

dpkg -L mpollux-digisign-client | grep crypto

to check for the right location.

I got 4 choices. Which one to use?


Ubuntu tietokoneissa / Vs: FINEID henkilökortti
« : 15.11.14 - klo:17.59 »
Finding recent and up to date manuals for 2014 and specifically for Ubuntu 12.04LTS is next to impossible.

The link at fineid.fi for downloading the 'mpollux digisign client' eg:


did open the Ubuntu Software Center and the middleware installed and I was able to test PIN 1 & PIN 2 using the client. That part is working.

Right now I need to find the specifics for setting up Firefox and Thunderbird. Right now the current manuals only point things out for Windows users which are much different for Ubuntu.

The old stuff for Ubuntu dating back to ver. 7 is unusable all together. The old stuff from 2010, in my opinion is not usable.

Ubuntu tietokoneissa / Vs: FINEID henkilökortti
« : 15.11.14 - klo:16.30 »
To avoid further confusion, it appears that install info is listed for only Windows and MAC users at fineid.fi.

If a Ubuntu 12.04 user needs config instructions for year 2014 for Firefox & Thunderbird this info appears to be non-existent.

Also, older manuals appear to suggest that Firefox and Thunderbird CANNOT be run at the same time? Is this true for today?

Ubuntu tietokoneissa / Vs: FINEID henkilökortti
« : 15.11.14 - klo:16.05 »
Unjustified claim:

I see no claims on the FinEID site that the document you linked to would apply to Ubuntu. It's just bunch of old instructions for Firefox (on Windows).

When I already stated:

The Finnish website fineid.fi uses instructions for Windows when explaining how to install for Ubuntu! Weird?

The other links are indeed old and outdated.

Ubuntu tietokoneissa / FINEID henkilökortti
« : 15.11.14 - klo:14.30 »

Would anyone happen to have the Firefox 33.0 instructions for configuring the FinEID card for Ubuntu 12.04?

The Finnish website fineid.fi uses instructions for Windows when explaining how to install for Ubuntu! Weird?



Next Tuesday, 1 April, Taganize will be holding it's next workshop at Aalto Media Factory in Arabia between 10:00 to 18:00. Participants can arrive at any time.

Everyone will have the opportunity to use laser cutter, 3D printer, vinyl cutter to fabricate the NFC/QR concepts you design. Taganize will support You with FREE beta accounts and 5 FREE NFC tags. A €15 value! The workshop is also FREE.

*To receive the FREE NFC tags participants must activate the Taganize Cloud Service (FREE) and install the Taganize Android app (FREE).

More info on the workshop can be found here:


Directions to the workshop are here:


The event is held within the Fablab and you can learn more here:


About 3D printer designs, laser cutter designs and vinyl cutter designs.

Anything for the 3D printer should be created in Rhino

The vinyl cutter is connected to a MAC running Adobe illustrator.

As per the laser cutter, I use Inkscape for my designs and save in eps file format. The laser cutter is connected to a windows machine which uses Corel draw to send commands to the laser cutter. Materials that can be cut include plywood, MDF and acrylic.

Support will be offered to use these machines.

If this interests You stop by!

See you Tuesday!


Greetings Fellow Ubunteros,

My name is John Tengström and my startup "Taganize" recently soft launched our beta version of the Taganize cloud services platform and Android app and I would like to share this information with everyone.

Before, I get started, I would like to note that I attempted to find rules regarding this type of post and did not find anything restrictive. Thus, I trust all is A-OK

In a nutshell, Taganize manages and tracks your NFC and QR tagged assets within the Taganize App and Cloud Service Platform.

Key Features include:

- Manage and track your NFC and QR tagged assets from your NFC enabled Android mobile device.
- Redirect NFC and QR targets without the need to rewrite or reprint NFC tags or QR codes.
- Write Taganize short-links to NFC tags directly within the App with ease.
- Analytics for tracking number of views
- QR code generation
- Anything that has a URL can be tagged with Taganize
- Sync feature

App screen shots can be found here and are best viewed in slideshow view. EG: slideshow--> Full Screen Slideshow


Taganize can also enable other interesting aspects like Youtube video hacking. Example:


This would be useful if you want to keep a great video online but update product information from time to time.

If anyone would like to become a beta tester, I would be very happy to set you up with a Taganize account. All I would need is your email you use on Google play because we distribute the app via Google Groups, EG "Taganize beta", while managing bugs through the group as well. Additionally, I need to send an invite via Google groups to you which upon acceptance provisions you into the system.

If you use Jolla, please let me know as we haven't had any Jolla users thus far.

Anyone interested can send me an email to info@taganize.com requesting a beta account and I'll get you hooked up.

Finally, Taganize is holding workshops in Helsinki at Aalto Media Factory in Arabia. Please see this link for more info. I look forward to seeing you there!


Thank you.


Sivuja: [1]