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Viestit - tommi88

Sivuja: [1]
valitta viälä tällästä

LibnotifyBinding.cpp:250: error: ‘class LibnotifyBinding’ has no member named ‘activeCallNotification’
LibnotifyBinding.cpp: In member function ‘void LibnotifyBinding::displayNotification(int, char*, char*, char*)’:
LibnotifyBinding.cpp:279: error: ‘NotifyNotification’ was not declared in this scope
LibnotifyBinding.cpp:279: error: ‘notification’ was not declared in this scope
LibnotifyBinding.cpp:280: error: ‘notify_notification_new’ was not declared in this scope
LibnotifyBinding.cpp:281: error: ‘notify_notification_set_timeout’ cannot be used as a function
LibnotifyBinding.cpp:282: error: ‘notify_notification_set_urgency’ cannot be used as a function
LibnotifyBinding.cpp:284: error: ‘notify_notification_show’ was not declared in this scope
make: *** [all] Virhe 1

E: Pakettia libbluetooth1-dev ei löytynyt

mulla tuli tommonen ongelma heti alussa, käytössä ubuntu 6.10

Sivuja: [1]