Multimedia ja grafiikka / Vs: Netflix tuli suomeen
« : 24.10.12 - klo:00.00 »
Lupaili/toivoili netflixin tuki-chatissä linux-tukea mahdollisimman lähiaikoina:
"Completely agree. Ok Henri, here's what's going on with Linux. I actually love the linux operating system. Netflix is still working very diligently to get all our coding correct for linux. Right now we only able to support Mac and windows OS. We do have plenty of customers that work on the linux system so it's one of our highest priorities to get this working for us. I can also tell you that as hard as they are working they can't get us an exact eta." (E'mon, support person, Netflix)
Ottakaa mahdollisimman moni yhteyttä tuki-chattiin ja kyselkää, koska toimii ubuntussa, niin se voi nopeuttaa toimintaa.
"Completely agree. Ok Henri, here's what's going on with Linux. I actually love the linux operating system. Netflix is still working very diligently to get all our coding correct for linux. Right now we only able to support Mac and windows OS. We do have plenty of customers that work on the linux system so it's one of our highest priorities to get this working for us. I can also tell you that as hard as they are working they can't get us an exact eta." (E'mon, support person, Netflix)
Ottakaa mahdollisimman moni yhteyttä tuki-chattiin ja kyselkää, koska toimii ubuntussa, niin se voi nopeuttaa toimintaa.