Liene mennyt joku asia yli hilseen kun en saa tuota Dguitaria toimimaan ohjeista huolimatta.
Hmmm... Ohjeet ovat aika selkeät. Javahan pitää olla asennettuna.
DGuitar Installing and Running
1. Download the latest version of DGuitar
2. Unzip the file DGuitar*.zip at your favorite location (PATH)
3. Go to the folder were you unzipped the file: PATH/DGuitar ó PATH\DGuitar
4. Follow ONE of this steps
* run java -jar dist/DGuitar.jar (for Windows,Linux,Mac or any)
* double-click on dist/DGuitar.jar
* Windows users double-click on DGuitar.bat
* Macintosh users double-click on DGuitar.command
* Linux/Unix users:
o run chmod +x *.sh
o run ./