Olen tänään veivannut tuota tikkua toimimaan koko päivän ja löytyi illan päätteeksi toimiva ja yksinkertainen ohje. Toimii myös 9.04:ssa
http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1065934.html tuolla oli tämmöinen ohje jolla lähti potkimaan.
spauldingsmails:n ohje:
April 4th, 2009, 12:36 PM
Just thought I'd add my outcome with the MF636 USB on Telstra Bigpond 3G.
First of all if you are using 8.10 this will pretty much work out of the box. I attempted to use this forum topic but found that I actually just had to do the following;
On a windows machine, install the USB 3G driver, set up a username and password, and enable the Telstra Bigpond account.
Obtain the com port using the Device Manager (right click on My Computer).
Using hyperterminal (on WinXP Pro Start->Programs->Accessories->Communications(?)->Hyper Terminal) connect to the modem using the following settings;
115200 - Bits per second
8 - Data bits
None - Parity
1 - Stop bits
None - Flow Control
and use the com port you grabbed from the previous step.
Past the following into the hyper terminal (it will not show up when you paste it in, just hit enter and you will see output);
Plug the USB modem into your Ubuntu machine. Network Manager will pick it up and launch a connection wizard. Run it and select the "Telstra" option.
Get Ubuntu to successfully detect the 3G USB card by editing the following file;
# sudo gedit /usr/share/hal/fdi/information/10freedesktop/10-modem.fdi
Search for the line <!-- ZTE MF628 HSDPA USB dongle --> and change the next line below it from;
<match key="@info.parent:usb.product_id" int="0x0015">
<match key="@info.parent:usb.product_id" int="0x0031">
Then restart your computer (there is probably a way to do this without restarting your computer, it's just that I don't know how to do it).
Right click on the Network Manager icon and select Edit Connections. Select the Mobile Broadbands tab.
Edit the "Telstra" entry and enter your username and password. Also change the APN to "telstra.bigpond".
Try connecting. This worked for me.
Good luck.