Onko kenelläkään omakohtaista kokemusta DRM-suojatuista PDF-tiedostoista linuxilla?
Ei omakohtaista, mutta Adoben Acrobat Reader on saatavilla Linuxille/Ubuntulle. Ota selvää tukeeko se tuollaista kryptattua PDF:ää.
Hirveän pitkä ketju aiheesta, ei taida onnistua...
"Quote from Adobe on the topic of "Linux Reader unable to act upon .etd files":
"In order to open .etd files, you require the eBooks plugin for the Adobe Reader. However this is not shipped with the Adobe Reader for Linux.
You would presently need to use the Windows version of the Reader in order to view the files."
Now a snipped quote from the: US Department of Justice Antitrust Division:
"The Antitrust Division promotes and protects the competitive process ... through the enforcement of the antitrust laws.
The antitrust laws .. prohibit predatory acts designed to achieve or maintain monopoly power."
Personally, I think we really need to start making some loud noises about these issues to stop this discrimination.
According to the US DOJ we have the law on our side."
https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/4964Ystävällisin terveisin Asmo Koskinen.